
#166 Missing source files in tarball



the autogen tarballs contain some generated files in config/ without also shipping all their sources:

libopts.m4: libopts.def[missing], conftest.tpl, confmacs.tlib
ag_macros.m4: misc.def[missing], conftest.tpl, confmacs.tlib

Could you please add them in the next release? - The files are already published via GIT.

thanks, cu Andreas


  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2014-09-20

    These source files serve no purpose unless you are doing a full bootstrap. If you are doing a full bootstrap, why would you not just pull from the archive? Sure, I can do that, it just is not clear to me what purpose it would serve.

    • Andreas Metzler

      Andreas Metzler - 2014-09-21

      On 2014-09-20 Bruce Korb wrote:

      • Andreas Metzler bug 166


      the autogen tarballs contain some generated files in config/
      without also shipping all their sources:

      These source files serve no purpose unless you are doing a full
      bootstrap. If you are doing a full bootstrap, why would you not
      just pull from the archive? Sure, I can do that, it just is not
      clear to me what purpose it would serve.


      this is about GPL compliance. If we (Debian) re-distribute the
      binary we also must distribute the source code, with source code being
      the real source, i.e. "the preferred form of the work for making
      modifications to it". And that is clearly not libopts.m4 but libopts.def.

      tia, cu Andreas

      What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are so grateful to you.'I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2014-09-21

    Then I probably ought to update the autoconf stuff. 15 years ago, the expressiveness was weak and difficult to put together. It is much, much better now. But I hate autoconf and I've not been excited about going back. :(

  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2015-03-03

    Until I obsolete them, I'll be adding everything managed by GIT under config.

  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2015-03-03
    • status: open --> pending
  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2015-11-23
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Bruce Korb

    Bruce Korb - 2015-11-23



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