
ATP World Tour Tennis 3 / News: Recent posts

Atp3 0.0.2 is out

I've released the major update for the engine test. It is the last pre-alpha release...get it and report...

Stefano Casillo

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-26


All the people eager about ATP World Tour Tennis 3 can pop along on to our IRC channel.


/join #ATP3

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2001-08-24

no more CVS

I stopped updating the sources with CVS. I will release a source package every binary release.

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-24

ReDesigning Web Site

Well, The redesigning of the ATP WORLD TOUR TENNIS 3 Has begun, The new site should be up in a couple of weeks

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2001-08-23

Atp3 engine test 0.0.1b is out!

The weekly update is now available for Linux users. It adds new stuff like shadows and will give you an idea of how the work is proceding...

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-19

1st in the Games/Simulation!

Here we are...Atp3 is in the first place of his sourceforge category. This sunday (19) I will release an update of the engine test. The update will be a little binary package just for linux users. It will contains some new features like:

1) Shadows
2) Game handling
3) New trajectory finder
3) Fixed lights/normal problems

Stay tuned..

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-17

Linux binary patch...ehmmm

Well...I made the original package in there are problems with name case and exectution rights...I've uploaded a patch...sorry I'm new in Linux..

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-11

Atp3 Engine test 0.0.1 is out!

I've just released the first Atp3 binary package. It contains data and executables for Windows and Linux. Donwload and let me now...

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-11

New web site on-line

The new web site is on-line guys...with tons of screenshot and some news. Check it out at

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-08

Engine test on Sunday 12

I will release the first binary package next Sunday. Versions for Linux and Windows will be included. It will be a simple engine non-playable test. Everybody is invited to download, test and report with comments and suggestions...thanks.
Tennis is free!

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-08-04

CVS Tree is on-line

I've just managed to send the sources with CVS. The right folder in the repository is "scdev". I'm setting up my RedHat 7.1 so to continue the development on Linux. The CVS tree is subject to changes anyway.

Posted by Stefano Casillo 2001-07-31