

Lars Berntzon

Welcome to AstroDuino

AstroDuino is a project for making hardware and software to support astrophotographing using the Linux operating system as a foundation.
AstroDuino implements parts of the Meade LX200 protocoll for controlling a ST-4 compatible telescope mount. It also has support for DSC sensors for keeping track of RA and DEC movements of the scope.
The interface is based on the Arduino Uno card which has a programmable Atmel AVR processor and has an USB serial interface. The Arduino card then controls the motors over the ST-4 interface via opto copuplers, see the eagle schematics in the code section.
The Arduino board also keeps track of RA and DEC movement via quadrature DSC sensors. Read about how I implemented on my mountbelow.

The software is divided into several library functions, one library for each hardware device or sensor. The idea is then to make a configurable choice of mounts. Currently only the EQM10 mount with DSC is working.

EMQ10 - My Telescope mount

For guiding I personally use the open-phd-guiding software. The guiding software controls the telescope motors via the INDI middleware and the indi_lx200basic driver.
Read more about my personal equipment.

CCStepper - Stepper controlled mount

This is work in progress with stepper motors, using the AccelStepper and AFMotor libraries for controlling stepper motors.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Admins:


Wiki: library functions
Wiki: read about my personal equipment