
AuthorSupportTool / News: Recent posts

New version is out

We have finally released a new version with updated and complete new features. Based on feature requests and suggested improvements (thanks neusvleugel!) the changelog reads as follows:

- Element outliner redone: Tree updates without restarting dialog and remembers unfolded nodes
- Improved management of multiple Writer instances incl. fixes for possible memory leaks
- Changed default language from German to English
- Added BibTeX import feature to source management
- Added Spanish localization by JZA (not yet complete)
- Added Java BibTeX Parser website to Info & Help dialog... read more

Posted by Chrissyx 2010-03-26

First update released

After the initial release we could produce more than 1100 downloads so far at our profile. Thanks for your ongoing interest, comments and mails!
Some crashes were also reported while trying to use the Template Wizard. Based on some feedback we could track down the problem and fix it. :) Here is the full changelog:

* Fixed potential crash while starting the Template Wizard
* Removed obsolete language strings
* Full usage of source management no longer requires prior execution of Template Wizard (It is still recommended, whatsoever)
* New way to handle version number for Info & Help dialog... read more

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-12-18

Source code released!

After days of figuring out how to filter a SVN dump properly, we can announce the release of the full source code. Includes all Java files, used libs, JUnit test cases, XDL dialogs, OOo help files, misc NetBeans project stuff and the complete PO translations. Everything is delivered as original revisions incl. dates and authors with comments. Enjoy this open source contribution to the OOo developer community! :)

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-12-11

Download now!

We have just release the AST extension! Download it here and be sure the file ending is OXT not ZIP. The profile at will follow soon (Link: ), too.

However we hab some troubles importing the source code to SF, filtering a SVN dump file can be cruel. Working on it, sorry for the delay.

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-12-03

Release this week

The manual is somewhat finished and we are targeting a complete release in two days on Wednesday. The release will contain the OXT package uploaded to and full source code incl. JUnit test cases via SVN import here.

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-11-30

Almost done

Coding and testing is somewhat finished. We are currently writing the built-in manual designed as a separate help entry. Targeting a release this month and looking forward to reactions of the OOo community. :)

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-11-03

Project page set up

While the AuthorSupportTool is nearing its completion, first steps were made to open source the whole code. Our internal developer SVN will be imported here at the same time the final build of the plugin is published at the extension site. Stay tuned for more info soon or check out our official AST website:

Posted by Chrissyx 2009-10-19