

Pascal Dreissen terii

How do I use the email interface?

ASSP's email interface is an easy way to add/remove addresses to the whitelist/redlist, report spam, or false-positives. To use it you must have it enabeled in the configuration, and have names set for the addresses. The interface accepts only mail addressed to addresses at any of your localdomains, and only from "Accept All Mail" hosts, or authenticated SMTP connections.

 assp-white     -- for whitelist additions
 assp-notwhite  -- for whitelist removals
 assp-spam      -- to report spam that got through
 assp-notspam   -- to report miscategorized spam

There are basically two different mailflows for outgoing mails possible:

  • User -> ASSP -> Mailserver -> Internet
  • User -> Mailserver -> ASSP -> Additional SMTP Server -> Internet
A: User -> ASSP -> Mailserver -> Internet

Assuming that your local-domain is, to add addresses to the whitelist, create a message to You can either put the addresses in the body of the message, or as recipients of the message. For example, if you wanted to add all the addresses in your address book to the whitelist, create a message to and then add your entire address book to the BCC part of the message and click send. Note that no mail will be delivered to any address except (and that won't actually be passed to your mail transport). Within a short time (depends on your mail server) you'll receive a response from ASSP showing the results of your mail. To report a spam that got through, simply forward the mail to assp- It's best to forward it as an attachment, but you can just forward it normally if you must. In a short time you will receive a confirmation. The process is the same to report a miscategorized spam, but send it to Of course all these addresses can be changed to suit your sites preferences.

Any connection blessed by one of these will (a) be able to relay mail, and (b) be able to access the email interface.

1) mail from a "allow all mail" host
2) mail with a SMTP AUTH affermative response
3) mail through the relay port
4) mail approved for relaying by popb4smtp
5) addresses in EmailSenderOK
B: User -> Mailserver -> ASSP -> Additional SMTP Server -> Internet

ASSP's email interface allows you to send messages to the ASSP server to add addresses to the whitelist, report spam, or report a false-positive. If your clients use Exchange, Notes, and/or a RelayHost / RelayPort setup, this feature becomes more complicated. ASSP is looking for it's command addresses at one of its localdomains. However your mail server will not accept mail for ASSP's addresses (and if it does, it will never be passed to ASSP). The work-around is to find a domain you never expect to actually send mail to, tell ASSP it is local, and use that domain for ASSP commands. So you could add to ASSP's localdomains, and direct whitelist additions to

Please note that the assp-white address cannot see bcc addresses this way, and cannot prevent delivery to people. Consequently if you use this configuration, be sure you only put addresses in the body of your mail message. Don't include them in the delivery part of the message.

1) invent a "dummy" domain, like "" (seems to be an available domain name) 
2) tell ASSP that this domain is one of your "local" domains
3) tell your users to send their spam to "";

instead of ""; or tell your Exchange-server to forward the later to the former. If yu prefer the "forwarding" approach, you can pick a dummy domain name that is more unlikely to be ever registered (like foo123blob.tac), as nobody has to remember the name.

IF you have ASSP on the outbound channel - as you should for the auto-whitelist function to work - and your Exchange is using the ASSP-relay-Port to deliever external mails, then the server thinks it is "external" and hands it over to delivery. ASSP thinks it's "local" and processes the magic-names as expected.

Email interface


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