
ASSP Released

- Improved ClamAV performance
- Improved overall performance
-Default MTA for DoVRFY* (VRFYMTA)
Put here the local MTA which should be used for DoVRFY. It will be used if no information from localDomains about a domain is available. For example: ' ' or ' '.

-Blacklisted Addresses & Domains** (blackAddresses)
Accepts specific addresses (, user parts (user) or entire domains ( Wildcards/Weight is supported : @*.biz=>0.5

-Local IMail domains (DoLocalIMailDomains)
Consider domains in the IMail registry to be local

-Automatic Corpus Correction (autoCorrectCorpus)
(Syntax: a.a[a]-b.b[b]-cccc or empty - default is "0.6-1.4-4000") If the
corpus norm (the weight between spamwords/hamwords) is less than "a" (0.6
- too much ham) or greater than "b" (1.2 - too much spam), assp will
delete the excess (oldest) files from the corresponding folder ( spamlog ,
notspamlog ). ASSP will keep a minimum of "c" (4000) files in the folder
and will never delete files that are younger than two weeks. This cleanup
will run at the end of the rebuildspamdb task. So the corrected file
corpus will take effect at the next rebuildspamdb!

-SSL Certificate File (PEM format) (SSLCertFile)

Full path to the file containing the server's SSL certificate, for example : /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/assp-cert.pem. A general cert.pem file is already provided in './certs/server-cert.pem'. For defining any full filepathes, always use slashes ('/') not backslashes. If './certs/server-cert.pem' is set and is not found, assp will try to use openssl to generate one.

-SSL Key File (PEM format) (SSLKeyFile)

Full path to the file containing the server's SSL key, for example: /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/assp-key.pem. A general key.pem file is already provided in './certs/server-key.pem'. If './certs/server-key.pem' is set and is not found, assp will try to use openssl to generate one.

Posted by Anonymous 2010-02-08

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