
Tree [114536] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 cmake 2010-07-12 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [6f9a2f] Support function moved to cmake/
 debian 2010-07-12 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [4a097e] removed depencence on autotools and added cmake...
 examples 2010-07-16 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [8b5aee] Fixed comments
 src 2021-12-10 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [114536] [FIX] Bug in sample.cxx
 CHANGELOG 2009-10-20 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [03305b] released stable 0.4, changelogs updated
 CMakeLists.txt 2016-07-09 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [a79253] Upgrade to lua5.3
 LICENSE 2009-09-24 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [29a003] Initial commit
 README 2012-11-11 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [be3861] README updated - CMake instll
 Toolchain-mingw32.cmake 2011-10-26 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [69755d] Fixed broken mingw toolchain 2010-07-11 Petr Cizmar Petr Cizmar [bbc347] tiny updates

Read Me


The Artificial SEM Image Generator (ARTIMAGEN) is a library that can generate
artificial scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of various samples,
including gold-on-carbon resolution sample, or some semiconductor structures.
Numerous effects that appear in real SEMs are simulated (noise,
drift-distortion, edge-effect, etc.), which enables assessment of imaging,
metrology or other techniques that work with SEM micrographs. Unlike the real
SEM images, the artificial images exhibit defined types and amounts of these
effects, which is their key advantage.

The Artificial SEM Image Generator has been developed by Petr Cizmar at the U.S.
National Institute of Standards and Technology. The first version of the
generator was written in C to evaluate the ISO-candidate
image-sharpness-calculation techniques. Later, the Artificial SEM Image
Generator became needed for other applications as well and support for new kinds
of samples was added. In order to make the generator more flexible, it was
rewritten to C++. The users now may take advantage of the modular object
structure of the program.

At this time, also C and programs may be linked with the library, which is
enabled by the C wrapper. The basic usage of the library is quite easy.

The scientific background of this software is described in the following
[1] P. Cizmar, A. E. Vladar, B. Ming, and M. T. Postek.
    Simulated SEM Images for Resolution Measurement.
    SCANNING, 30(5):381­391, Sep-Oct 2008.

[2] P. Cizmar, A. E. Vladar, and M. T. Postek.
    Optimization of Accurate SEM Imaging by Use of Artificial Images
    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7378 737815-1, May 2009 

Should you use this generator for scientific research, please cite any of these


	Petr Cizmar, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology

	Current address: 
		Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
		Bundesallee 100
		38116 Braunschweig
	Phone:	+49 531 592 5183
		Natiolal Institute of Standards and Technology
		100 Bureau Dr.
		Gaitherburg, MD 20899


Prerequisites: ARTIMAGEN depends on libtiff, fftw3, and lua5.1 libraries. For
compilation, CMake is also needed.

The CMake installation procedure follows:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && make install

For more information, see the CMake documantation at

In order to compile libartimagen as a shared library, use 
"ccmake .." instead of "cmake .." and set COMPILE_SHARED variable to ON. 
However, this is not recommended, since shared libraries must be compiled as the
Position Independent Code, which is in case of this library (with use of the
gcc-4.3.3 compiler) producing significantly less optimized code. :-(


As this software was developed as part of work done by the United States
Government, it is not subject to copyright, and is in the public domain. Note
that according to public domain is compatible with GPL.