
Archimedes rocks!

  • naught101

    naught101 - 2006-08-07

    the page doesn't seem to be working, so I thought I'd leave a message here.

    the project is awesome so far, I'm really digging it (and I don't dig stuff very often). it looks great, and looks like it will have real potential.

    I've been doing a bit of promo for you -

    I'd also be really keen to help out, in any way I can. I don't know any Java, but I'd be willing to learn, if someone can point me to something relatively easy that needs doing. I'm also keen to help with planning or design, or whatever else might crop up.

    naught101 ATSYMBOL gmail DOT com

    • Hugo Corbucci

      Hugo Corbucci - 2006-08-11

      Thanks a lot for all the promo and the compliments and we are very happy to receive your help. I hope soon you will be in that member list. :)

      The main homepage is being updated lately so they have some problems staying up but we hope it'll come back to normal this week-end.


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