
Armagetron - Multiplayer Lightcycle Game / News: Recent posts

Armagetron: Security alert and new versions

Recently, some security vulnerabilities in Armagetron have been made public. Read more here:

Fixes for all known exploits are available in the followup project "Armagetron Advanced" version to be downloaded here:

Fixes for the two crash exploits and the server connection loss exploit are also available as a patch to the source here:
or in the new version of Armagetron from the files section.... read more

Posted by Manuel Moos 2005-03-10

Armagetron for Mac OS X released

For the first time, a version of Armagetron ( ) has been released for OS X. Thanks go out to Ben Hines for the porting!

For readers unfamiliar with the project, Armagetron is an adaption of the lightcycle sequence from the movie Tron with focus on multiplayer games.

You can download it at

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-08-19

Armagetron 0.2.5 released

For the first time since 0.2.pre, this release introduces two major new features: an instant win zone is activated when nothing happens for a while ( usually because all remaining players are trapped in large areas ); the first to reach the zone wins. And: Brakes are now wear off and cannot be used to delay death when you are trapped. Some minor bugs were fixed on the way, too.

Get it at read more

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-07-20

Armagetron 0.2.1 released

Armagetron is a simple action game modelled after the lightcycle sequence of the movie Tron. The main focus lies on the multiplayer mode, which has already made Armagetron a popular warmup game on LAN parties.

This release is a quick fix for the shortlived version 0.2.0; A single, rare crash was fixed. Just in case you missed all the 0.2.pre-versions: the 0.2 branch introduces many highly anticipated features such as team play, better AI opponents and destructive explosions.... read more

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-06-23

Armagetron 0.2.pre4 released

Armagetron is a simple action game modeled after the lightcycle sequence of the movie Tron. The main focus lies on the multiplayer mode, which has already made Armagetron a popular warmup game on LAN parties.
The new release is a bugfixing release for the last prerelease versions, fixing all known bugs. Relative to 1.4.9, a ton of long-awaited features has been added and is now working properly.

Most important changes since 0.2.pre3:
- Fixed some more rare crashes and lockups
- Fixed team handling: all team change operations now get only active on next round
- Fixed moviesounds
- Fixed server to master server communications
- new installation method: make update ( keeps user configuration )

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-06-15

Armagetron 0.2.pre3 released

Armagetron is a simple action game modeled after the lightcycle sequence of the movie Tron. The main focus lies on the multiplayer mode, which has already made Armagetron a popular warmup game on LAN parties.
The new release is a bugfixing release for the last two prerelease versions, getting it even closer to a suitable stable base. Relative to 1.4.9, a ton of long-awaited features has been added and is now working properly.... read more

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-06-08

Armagetron 0.2.pre2 released

Armagetron is a simple action game modeled after the lightcycle sequence of the movie Tron. The main focus lies on the multiplayer mode, which has already made Armagetron a popular warmup game on LAN parties. The new release is mainly a bugfixing release for the old prerelease version, getting it closer to a suitable stable base. Relative to the old stable version, a ton of long-awaited features has been added and is now working properly.... read more

Posted by Manuel Moos 2003-06-02