
4 July

Ant Bryan
  • Ant Bryan

    Ant Bryan - 2008-07-04

    happy 4th of July to anyone who celebrates it! :)

    this marks two years of Metalink support in aria2! 4 July 2006 was a very rough day personally (my father was sick & I had just brought him home from the hospital), but this was extremely nice news to get. thank you again & again Tatsuhiro!

    looking back on the metalink news, the only other things that had happened were an article on freshmeat, a blog, GetRight support, and Manuel's generator. aria2 is part of the foundation. it has been great to watch our projects grow these past 2 years :) congrats on your success, on the Linux Format article, on everything.


    • tujikawa

      tujikawa - 2008-07-05

      I remember your first mail to me about metalink. I designed aria2 without knowing about metalink. The idea of downloading a file using several files is good but a user has to specify multiple URLs in command-line and it is not handy. Metalink solves this problem completely! I was really excited when hearing the concept of metalink and thought yes this is what I imagined.
      Over the years, metalink is deployed in major linux distributions such as SUSE and aria2 grows with it. I really thanks to you and metalink community. 4 July, it is a great day for us!


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