
0.15.1+2 Unit tests

  • Phasenoise

    Phasenoise - 2008-08-04

    Hi there,

    Thought I would have a go at running the unit tests, when compiling there were quite a few negative numbers reported as being passed to unsigned int's. Here is the test output.

    make check-TESTS
    Exception: Empty {} is not allowed.

    Exception: Missing '}' in the parameterized string.

    Exception: Loop range missing.

    Exception: Missing ']' in the parameterized string.

    Exception: A step count must be a positive number.

    Exception: Loop range missing.

    Exception: Invalid loop range.

    Exception: Invalid loop range.

    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: foo
    Exception: Negative value detected: -1
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: overflow/underflow
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: overflow/underflow
    Exception: Failed to make the directory ./, cause: File already exists.

    Exception: Incomplete range specified. -1
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 2147483648
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 2147483648
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 2x
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 3x
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 2147483648
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: -2147483649
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 12x
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: -1
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 4294967296
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 9223372036854775808
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: -9223372036854775809
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 12x
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: -1
    Exception: Failed to convert string into value: 18446744073709551616
    ....................................E..E.E...............................................................Exception: No status header.

    ..Exception: No status header.

    .Exception: Too large http header

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be either 'true' or 'false'.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be greater than or equal to 1.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be smaller than or equal to 100.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be between 1 and 100.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be between 1 and 100.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string
    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be one of the following:'value1'

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be one of the following:'value1' 'value2'

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be one of the following:'value1' 'value2'

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be greater than or equal to 0.0.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be smaller than or equal to 10.0.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be between 0.0 and 10.0.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option foo
    -> foo must be between 0.0 and 10.0.

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option http-proxy
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option http-proxy
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option http-proxy
    -> Failed to convert string into value: empty string

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option http-proxy
    -> unrecognized proxy format

    Exception: Exception occurred while processing option http-proxy
    -> Failed to convert string into value: bar

    Exception: File not found:

    Exception: Netrc:parse error. EOF reached where a token expected.

    Hello world.
    Yes, it worked!
    Yes, it worked!
    .z.getRefCount() = 1
    z.getRefCount() = 0
    x.getRefCount() = 1
    w.getRefCount() = 2
    x.getRefCount() = 2
    Exception: Tracker returned null data.

    Exception: Tracker returned failure reason: hello world

    2008-08-04 18:44:26 WARN - Tracker returned warning message: hello world
    Exception: Missing pieces in torrent metainfo.

    2008-08-04 18:44:26 ERROR - Exception caught
    Exception: Failed to open the file ./notExist, cause: File not found
    Exception: Too small payload size for extended, size=1.

    Exception: Invalid ID=21 for extended. It should be 20.

    Exception: Unexpected payload format for extended message handshake

    Exception: Malformed meta info.

    Exception: Too small payload size for handshake, size=0.

    Exception: Too small payload size for ut_pex, size=0.

    Exception: Received extended message from peer during a session with extended messaging disabled.

    Exception: No extension registered for extended message ID 255

    Exception: Received Error DHT message.

    Exception: Cannot parse metalink XML file. XML may be malformed.

    Exception: Cannot parse metalink XML file. XML may be malformed.

    /bin/sh: line 1: 40700 Bus error ${dir}$tst
    FAIL: aria2c
    1 of 1 tests failed
    Please report to
    make[2]: [check-TESTS] Error 1
    [check-am] Error 2
    make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1


    • Sebastien WILLEMIJNS

      OK (611)
      PASS: aria2c
      All 1 tests passed

      after a long DL and compilation (see other thread), no errors on my debian VPS...

    • tujikawa

      tujikawa - 2008-08-05

      It seems that this is Mac OS X specific problem.

      Could you give me a stack trace using gdb?

    • tujikawa

      tujikawa - 2008-08-05

      Let's discuss this issue at:

      I fixed valgrind error for test cases and created patch.
      It may be a cause of the bus error.
      The patch is available at the above link.


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