
ArgoUML / News: Recent posts

ArgoUML 0.20 released

Hello all!

The ArgoUML team is pleased to announce a public release of ArgoUML featuring support for UML 1.4, Sequence Diagrams, and JMI (JSR-40) -- specifically targeting users of the open source MDA tool AndroMDA.

Launch with a single click using Java Web Start or download for local installation from our download page at

Significant progress has been made since our last stable release (0.18). This includes the following new features:... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2006-03-21

ArgoUML 0.16.1/0.17.1 released

A stable version of ArgoUML (0.16.1) and a new developer release (0.17.1) have been released recently. For more information check

Posted by Markus Klink 2004-10-19

ArgoUML 0.14.1 released

ArgoUML 0.14.1 was released on Aug 17, 2003.

see the news here:

Posted by alexb 2003-11-07

ArgoUML 0.13.2 (developer) released

A new developer release of ArgoUML is available from the argouml website at

Please note that this is an unstable developer release. We are currently working towards a stable 0.14.0 release, whilst issuing milestone releases on the way.

Have a look at the project news on the argouml website for further details about this release.

Posted by Markus Klink 2003-02-13

New module released

The ArgoUML project released a new module today to enable users to parse JAR and Class files in order to obtain class diagrams.

The module is in extreme alpha state and only available via CVS. For details pleae look at

Posted by Markus Klink 2003-01-03

ArgoUML 0.13.1 released (Developer release)

The development release 0.13.1 of ArgoUML is now released. This is a development release, or a development snapshot if you will, showing the direction that the future of ArgoUML will have and testing some new ideas.

This release will be followed by several other 0.13.X-releases before eventually a stable 0.14-release will be made.

Big fixes
Most of the improvements have been made on the inside, so to say, in the development environment and you will hopefully not notice this unless you check out the tool:... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-11-21

ArgoUML 0.11.1 (developer) released

The development release 0.11.1 of ArgoUML is now released. This is a release which is in several respects better than 0.10.1 but also in some areas probably a little shakier since a lot of changes are made.

Big fixes:
* New handling of Notations
* Released version of GEF included
* ArgoUML now tries to detect incorrectly saved XMI and generates a warning.

Smaller issues
ID Pri Summary
299 P1 I loose class diagrams between sessions
324 P1 add use case to diagram moves item into new package
827 P1 cpu at 100% during diagram editing
964 P1 Duplicate diagram names => project corrupted
277 P2 Code Generation fails if Javadoc ist edited
323 P2 Display refresh fails for class diagram
544 P2 text boxes saved as UTF-8 but loaded as ASCII
612 P2 Critique > Browse Critics... selection problem
734 P2 Loading problem of zargo file
844 P2 When adding anything new from Property Tab of a package, the tree is
not updated
864 P2 Association ends values don't display properly in properties window
926 P2 Interfaces not generated by Java Generator
931 P2 Multiplicity not generated correctly by Java Generator
319 P3 documentation fields do not have scroll bars
465 P3 classes link does not work
517 P3 when saving diagrams as svg the .svg file extension must be included
or diagrams are not generated
531 P3 Argo stumbles over Escape character when loading
558 P3 Problems with class attribute multiplicity
561 P3 operation notation in UML is not correct
596 P3 Delete from model does not remove class from all diagrams
608 P3 adding attribute types in properties pane
663 P3 Constructors as operations not handled well
704 P3 Missing stereotypes for CollaborationRole
767 P3 Cannot hide Interface methods
768 P3 "documentation" tag on classes is lost
774 P3 Locale.setDefault() in org.argouml.application.Main.main()
803 P3 ArgoUML's window slightly to big for my screen
805 P3 Printing fit to page option
810 P3 Stereotypes missing for node and component
848 P3 Stereotype for attribute/operation not shown in the diagram
863 P3 1..1 Association Multiplicity not shown on Class Diagram
909 P3 accent characters not saved properly
913 P3 ArgoUML will not start when Project on startup is corrupted
933 P3 Guarded concurrency not generated to synchronized
959 P3 Loading a zargo-file fails if class diagrams have the same name
587 P4 "Add realization" button for package/model does nothing
590 P4 Saving unsupported graphics type fails silently
710 P4 Missing stereotypes for AssociationRole
756 P4 activity diagrams misnamed in file tree as state
765 P4 Representation of attributes on class diagram
929 P4 Concurrency does not have a default value
934 P4 Deleting an inner class from model doesn't refresh navigator pane
560 P5 Delay in marking abstract operation in italics
581 P5 Code Gen chokes on internal anonymous class
585 P5 Incorrect icons in the navigation pane
930 P5 Make 'synchronized' guarded... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-08-06

ArgoUML 0.10.1 released

The release 0.10.1 of ArgoUML is now available.

This release is a bugfix-release of release 0.10. The reason for doing this release is the problem in Issue 845 that was not found until the release 0.10 was made.

The Issues fixed are:

8 information about hiding of (attribute|operation)-compartment of a class gets lost during a save-open-cycle
(with duplicates 766 and 780).
829 Deployment diagrams do not save/load properly
845 Sequence Diagram Locks Up
Corresponding problem for Deployment diagrams also solved (not reported).
(with duplicates 840, 856, 858, 876, 881)... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-07-08

Vote for ArgoUML in Java Developer Journal Awards

You can find the voting page here:

ArgoUML is currently #7 in the section Best Java Modelling tool and with your help we can surely push it a little bit further!

Also take the opportunity to vote for other Opensource projects to give their developers a little bit of moral support for their work.


Posted by Markus Klink 2002-06-05

ArgoUML 0.10 released

This is the first stable release of ArgoUML since 0.8.1a.

Stable in this case does not mean bug-free or perfect. The fact is that
there are several known defects.

Stable instead means that we have reached a level considerably better than
0.8.1a and are putting the foot down to allow also not so adventurous users
to choose 0.10 for their projects. New problems found in 0.10 might be fixed
in a 0.10.1 or a subsequent 0.10.2 if that can be done without breaking
anything.... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-05-20

ArgoUML 0.9.9 released

The release 0.9.9 of ArgoUML is now available.

This release marks the feature and Issue freeze for the upcoming 0.10
release. Some new functions are added and some issues are solved.

The most important functions added are:
* Use Case Diagrams are updated with extensions points.
* Reopen the last project on start is implemented.

Issues fixed:
406 collaboration FigThings not saved correctly
487 Problems editing Bounds field on Style Tab
491 Message "No media inserted" shown when opening/saving as
709 Classifier Role naming is wrong
794 When adding new Use Case from Property Tab, the tree is not updated
5 issues found.... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-05-06

ArgoUML 0.9.8 released

he release 0.9.8 of ArgoUML is now available.

This is mainly a bugg fix release but there are some new functions added.

Highlights of the new functions added:

* Use cases now includes extends and include and you can extend from extension points. (Jeremy Bennett did this).
* It is now possible to collapse and restore the different panels with a simple click. (Bob Tarling did this).
* The French localization has received an update and driven the overall localization further. (Jean-Hugues de Raignaic did this).... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-04-08

ArgoUML 0.9.7 released

ArgoUML is a cognitive UML modelling tool written in 100% java.

The release 0.9.7 of ArgoUML is now available

This is a bugg fix release with no new functions added.

The following Issues are solved:
<li> A working copy of gef is included, no patching required.
<li> The "Danger! This might not be able to read back"-screen when saving is dropped.
<li> Issues around critics: 438, 619, 620, 669 are solved:
Other fixes:
<li> Fix around illustration of return type: 214.
<li> Language specific notation: 256.
<li> Stereotype for association end: 479.
<li> Allow dependancy to be drawn between Interface and class: 746
<li> Guillaume Rousse fixed up javadoc comments.
<li> Association end from Interface should not be navigable: 498
<li> and more... read more

Posted by Markus Klink 2002-03-22