
Negative time error

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    One of my backup failed.
    here is the error I can read in the log :

    07-02-08 00:18 - 6 - Backup commited
    07-02-08 00:18 - 6 - 14922 traces read.
    07-02-08 00:21 - 6 - Rollback complete
    07-02-08 00:21 - 1 - An error occured during the processing of target java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative time
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative time

    In fact it seems that the backup is complete but I can not
    be sure.
    I can browse the archive content in Areca and if I look in
    the backup, I can see many files.

    Does someone have any idea what's get wrong ?


    PS : I am using areca 4.1.7 running on W2k

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Here the complete log file. (I have just masquerade email ...)

      Thanks for your help


      07-02-08 00:00 - 6 - com.myJava.util.LogCleaner - Planned task startup.
      07-02-08 00:00 - 6 - com.myJava.util.LogCleaner - Planned task startup.
      07-02-08 00:18 - 6 - Backup commited
      07-02-08 00:18 - 6 - 14922 traces read.
      07-02-08 00:21 - 6 - Rollback complete
      07-02-08 00:21 - 6 - Rollback complete
      07-02-08 00:21 - 6 - Validating and running post-processor : com.application.areca.postprocess.MailSendPostProcessor -
      07-02-08 00:21 - 6 - End of target processing : [Backup] - [PC151 - FileSystem (\PC151\C$)] - [2]
      07-02-08 00:21 - 1 - An error occured during the processing of target java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative time
      at com.application.areca.AbstractRecoveryTarget.commitBackup(
      at com.application.areca.impl.FileSystemRecoveryTarget.commitBackup(
      at com.application.areca.AbstractRecoveryTarget.processBackup(
      at com.application.areca.RecoveryProcess.processBackupOnTargetImpl(
      at com.application.areca.RecoveryProcess.launchBackup(
      Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative time
      at Source)
      at com.myJava.file.DefaultFileSystemDriver.setLastModified(
      at com.myJava.file.FileSystemManager.setLastModified(
      at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.cleanRepository(
      at com.application.areca.impl.IncrementalDirectoryMedium.commitBackup(
      at com.application.areca.AbstractRecoveryTarget.commitBackup(
      ... 6 more

    • aventin

      aventin - 2007-02-12


      It seems that Areca attempts to set a negative time (ie before 1/1/1970) for a file as last modification time.

      I made some tests but didn't reproduce the problem ... could you try to do exactly the same backup (ie not compressed, not incremental) but of a LOCAL directory (it seems that you try to backup the c drive of a remote computer) ... just to see wether it is a network problem or not ...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Olivier,

      the problem occurs only on that computer (PC151).
      In the group backup, I have 2 remote computers and only PC151
      produces this error (so I think it is not a network problem).

      There is no error in an incremental backup (after the initial one)

      Thanks for help.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have found the problem !!
      2 files in a directory had strange date :
      12.12.1617 (in the explorer, no date were displayed)
      the other one no date at all.

      after fixing the date of the first one, the error was :

      1com.application.areca.ApplicationException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
      at com.application.areca.AbstractRecoveryTarget.commitBackup(
      at Source)
      Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

      I have also changed modif date and everything works fine now !!

      Thanks Olivier ;)


    • SanskritFritz

      SanskritFritz - 2007-02-08

      Probably the author will need the whole stack trace (the long list after the exception), could you provide that part also?


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