
merging process is not very efficient

  • pete11

    pete11 - 2014-03-24


    I tried areca to backup about 250 GB data and wanted to have it in a way that there are always backups from the last 7 days. So I made a script with that Areca makes a daily backup on 7 days. After the 7th day it made the first merge on the full backup and made during the merging process a new full backup and from that on every day the same. And that is the point. The merging progess on 250 GB Data needs very very long because first Areca recovers the whole Data on every merging process and then it makes the merge. And this happens after day seven (in my case)
    every day again. This is not very usefull. Wouldn`t it be better when Areca would make kind of a synchronizing with versioning of files and folders? In this case Areca makes the first backup full, the next 7 days a daily backup of the changed files and folders. The older versions of that files and folder get some kind of a version-tag and versions older then 7 days become just deleted and so on. No endless merging anymore.

    What do you think?

    kind regards

  • Chamath N Wijewardane

    I wish there were an option for us to do a move instead of a copy. I have a large amount of data and it's almost impossible to do.


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