
Great software but sloooooowww....

  • KingCrimson

    KingCrimson - 2012-03-23

    Have server 2008 sp2 x86 (dual xeon )
    need backup ~900Gb data (dwg , rar , zip, exe and etc data in total 800 000
    files and 70 000 folders )
    also nave backup server ( server 2008 x86 sp2 )connected over 1 Gigabit
    avarage send data speed from Areca :~19-23 Mb\sec
    cpu load no more than 20-30%
    both HDD from source and destination server average load no more then 20%
    Anti-virus program unloaded on both server ...
    for task no use compression ....

  • KingCrimson

    KingCrimson - 2012-03-23

    archive.displayreport : false : 
    areca-backup.available.translations : cn, cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, nl, pt, ru, sv, tw : 3524359887604334410
    areca-backup.class.loader : : false
    areca-backup.plugins : FTP server, SFTP server, Local Hard Drive
    areca-backup.version : 7.2.5
    awt.toolkit :
    backup.debug : false
    bin.location.override : 
    cache.preload : false
    check.debug : false : false
    check.specific.location.1516308337 : C:\Users\PROSTO~1.000\AppData\Local\Temp\1\
    check.use.specific.location.1516308337 : false : .committed
    date.format : 
    delta.debug : false
    delta.hashmap.size : 10007
    delta.linkedlist.buffer.size : 204800
    delta.lookup.failures : 0
    delta.lookup.success : 0
    delta.max.bucket.size : 1048576
    delta.min.bucket.size : 1024
    delta.quickhash.modulus : 68228191
    delta.quickhash.multiplier : 98813 : 100
    display.toolbar : true : true
    editor.text : 
    enable.version.check : true
    encryption.keygen.algorithm : PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
    encryption.keygen.iterations : 96731
    encryption.keygen.salt : ù%${{²]}}[|`è€$£^¤*!§:/..;;,,_?"\°à@@%µ
    encryption.keygen.salt.encoding : UTF-8
    file.encoding : Cp1251
    file.encoding.iana : windows-1251
    file.encoding.pkg :
    file.hash.algorithm : SHA
    file.separator : \
    file.streams.debug : true
    filesystem.accessor.impl :
    filetool.buffer.size : 200000
    filetool.delay : 200
    fs.buffer.size : 200000
    fs.cache.debug : false
    fs.max.cached.mountpoints : 2000
    fs.max.filepath : 256
    fs.max.filepath.check.force : -1 : 
    fs.use.buffer : true
    ftp.cache.size : 100
    ftp.debug : false
    ftp.max.proxies : 4
    ftp.max.retries : 5
    ftp.noop.delay : 30000
    ftp.use.cache : true
    hash.cache.size : 200
    hash.use.cache : true : false
    java.awt.graphicsenv : sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
    java.awt.printerjob :
    java.class.path : C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\areca.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\jsch.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\activation.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\mail.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\config;C:\Program Files\Areca\translations;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\org.eclipse.core.commands_3.2.0.I20060605-1400.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.2.0.v20060603.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\org.eclipse.jface_3.2.0.I20060605-1400.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\lib\org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m.jar;C:\Program Files\Areca\.;
    java.class.version : 50.0
    java.endorsed.dirs : C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\endorsed
    java.ext.dirs : C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
    java.home : C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 : C:\Users\PROSTO~1.000\AppData\Local\Temp\1\
    java.library.path : C:\Program Files\Areca;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\PHP\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Windows Imaging\;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\FreeArc\PowerPack\bin;C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\FreeArc\bin;. : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    java.runtime.version : 1.6.0_31-b05 : Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.specification.version : 1.6
    java.system.class.loader :
    java.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vendor.url : [url][/url]
    java.vendor.url.bug : [url][/url]
    java.version : 1.6.0_31 : mixed mode, sharing : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM : Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.specification.version : 1.0
    java.vm.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.version : 20.6-b01
    lang : ru
    languages.location.override : 
    lastworkspace : C:/Areca_workspace
    line.separator :   
    log.default.history : 10
    log.file : C:/Areca_workspace/.log/areca.12-03-24.log
    log.level : 8
    log.location.override : : true
    mainframe.height : 729
    mainframe.leftsplitpos : 70
    mainframe.mainsplitpos : 30
    mainframe.maximized : false
    mainframe.width : 960
    mainframe.x : 120
    mainframe.y : 252
    memory.base.kb : 20480 : 2 : 0.3
    metadata.debug : false
    os.arch : x86
    os.browsers : firefox, opera, konqueror, epiphany, mozilla, netscape : Windows Server 2008
    os.version : 6.0
    path.separator : ;
    plugins.location.override : 
    repository.access.debug : false
    repository.access.ftp.cache : true
    repository.access.ftp.cache.depth : 2
    repository.access.hd.cache : false
    repository.access.hd.cache.depth : 2
    repository.check.consistency : true
    show.transaction.ziparchive.incompatibility.warning : true
    smtp.debug : false
    sse.protocols : SSL, TLS, TLS-P, TLS-C
    startup.display.logical.view : false
    startup.mode : last
    startup.workspace : : 32
    sun.boot.class.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\modules\jdk.boot.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\classes
    sun.boot.library.path : C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
    sun.cpu.endian : little
    sun.cpu.isalist : pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
    sun.desktop : windows : UnicodeLittle
    sun.jnu.encoding : Cp1251 : HotSpot Client Compiler
    sun.os.patch.level : Service Pack 2
    supported.charsets : Big5, Big5-HKSCS, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB18030, GB2312, GBK, IBM-Thai, IBM00858, IBM01140, IBM01141, IBM01142, IBM01143, IBM01144, IBM01145, IBM01146, IBM01147, IBM01148, IBM01149, IBM037, IBM1026, IBM1047, IBM273, IBM277, IBM278, IBM280, IBM284, IBM285, IBM297, IBM420, IBM424, IBM437, IBM500, IBM775, IBM850, IBM852, IBM855, IBM857, IBM860, IBM861, IBM862, IBM863, IBM864, IBM865, IBM866, IBM868, IBM869, IBM870, IBM871, IBM918, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-KR, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, JIS_X0201, JIS_X0212-1990, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, Shift_JIS, TIS-620, US-ASCII, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-8, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257, windows-1258, windows-31j, x-Big5-HKSCS-2001, x-Big5-Solaris, x-euc-jp-linux, x-EUC-TW, x-eucJP-Open, x-IBM1006, x-IBM1025, x-IBM1046, x-IBM1097, x-IBM1098, x-IBM1112, x-IBM1122, x-IBM1123, x-IBM1124, x-IBM1381, x-IBM1383, x-IBM33722, x-IBM737, x-IBM833, x-IBM834, x-IBM856, x-IBM874, x-IBM875, x-IBM921, x-IBM922, x-IBM930, x-IBM933, x-IBM935, x-IBM937, x-IBM939, x-IBM942, x-IBM942C, x-IBM943, x-IBM943C, x-IBM948, x-IBM949, x-IBM949C, x-IBM950, x-IBM964, x-IBM970, x-ISCII91, x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS, x-ISO-2022-CN-GB, x-iso-8859-11, x-JIS0208, x-JISAutoDetect, x-Johab, x-MacArabic, x-MacCentralEurope, x-MacCroatian, x-MacCyrillic, x-MacDingbat, x-MacGreek, x-MacHebrew, x-MacIceland, x-MacRoman, x-MacRomania, x-MacSymbol, x-MacThai, x-MacTurkish, x-MacUkraine, x-MS932_0213, x-MS950-HKSCS, x-MS950-HKSCS-XP, x-mswin-936, x-PCK, x-SJIS_0213, x-UTF-16LE-BOM, X-UTF-32BE-BOM, X-UTF-32LE-BOM, x-windows-50220, x-windows-50221, x-windows-874, x-windows-949, x-windows-950, x-windows-iso2022jp : 56410112
    system.max.available.memory : 259522560
    system.memory.usage : 8536064 : 64946176
    target.lasttargetdir : Z:\
    thread.monitor : false
    thread.monitor.delay : 180000
    threadlocal.log.level : 3
    threadlocal.log.max.messages : 200
    transaction.size : 51200 : RU
    user.dir : C:\Program Files\Areca
    user.home : C:\Users\Администратор.PROSTOR-SERV.000
    user.language : ru : администратор
    user.timezone : Europe/Moscow
    user.variant : 
    viewer.handler.impl : com.myJava.system.viewer.DesktopViewerHandler
    workspace.last.copy.location : C:\Areca_worckspace
    workspace.last.copy.mask : false
    ws.history.0 : C:/Areca_workspace
    ws.history.1 : C:/Users/Администратор.PROSTOR-SERV.000/.areca/workspace
    xml.config.backup : true
    zip.buffer.size : 2048
    zip.crc.enable : true : 2
  • KingCrimson

    KingCrimson - 2012-03-24

    if i parallel with Areca copy data from server 1 to server 2
    then my average Ethernet load ~70Mb\sec
    but areca use only 10 % from gigabit Ethernet
    have anu ideas how speed up Areca ?

  • aventin

    aventin - 2012-03-25

    How many cores do you have overall (two processors but how many cores by
    processor ?)
    Areca uses one thread by target so it only makes uses of multiple cores when
    multiple targets are launched simultaneously. When you say that only 20-30%
    CPU is used, it is likely that one of your cores is used at 100% while the
    other ones are almost idle.

    I've tried to implement producer/consumer patterns to make use of multiple
    cores and speed up the backup process but to no avail for the moment

    Best regards

  • KingCrimson

    KingCrimson - 2012-03-25

    have 4 core
    sysmon screenshot :


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