
#455 Overall Status : Failure due to .DS_Store on appleshare/smb


My backups constantly failing with this error messagees. i'm therefor not able (second error is often zip related) to test the archive. I have to uncheck tests because otherwise the backup will be comletely deleted by areca.

LaCie (507076372) on 05.09.2012 10:34

Overall Status : Failure
Detailed Status :

Backup : Success
Pre/Post Backup Operations : Failure

Duration (without post-processing) : 12 h 7 mn 24 s
Written kbytes : 382086336

Processed directories and files : 48586
Filtered directories and files : 32
Unfiltered directories : 5237
Unfiltered files : 43317
Ignored files (not modified) : 32784
Saved files : 10533

Errors and Warnings :
12-09-05 22:42 - ERROR
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal file name : .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'

at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.decode(
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.access$000(
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver$FilenameFilterAdapter.accept(
at Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.DefaultFileSystemDriver.listFiles(
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.listFiles(
at com.myJava.file.driver.event.EventFileSystemDriver.listFiles(
at com.myJava.file.FileSystemManager.listFiles(
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.listArchives(
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.getLastArchive(
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.getLastArchive(
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractFileSystemMedium.getLastArchive(
at com.application.areca.AbstractTarget.processBackup(
at com.application.areca.ActionProxy.processBackupOnTarget(
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Application$9.runCommand(
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Application$
at Source)

It's the same error as reported here, which got no attention at all:


  • floogy

    floogy - 2012-09-06

    .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'

    This seems to be a wrong assume by areca, because .DS_Store are afp indexing/Desktop files. This file shouldn't end with .zip.

    areca works in my case under windows, connected to the nas by smb.

  • aventin

    aventin - 2012-10-24


    This is because those files seem to have been created by an external program AFTER Areca has created the archive.
    It seems that you are using zip compression for each file individually, with the "add .zip extension" enabled in your target configuration. This means that all files created by Areca will be zip-compressed, and that the ".zip" extension will be added to the filename.

    When Areca tries to handle your archives (for instance to create a new one), it doesn't know what to do with those files that don't match the naming convention that you requested ... hence the error.

    I'll modify Areca to display a simple warning instead of a blocking error, but this should really not happen (ie having an external program modify archives created by Areca)

    Best regards

  • floogy

    floogy - 2012-10-24

    Ok, that might be happened due to having a look into that folder from a afp connected macintosh computer.
    I then will try to recursively delete those dot files created by afp connection with the finder or nas os (win 2003 embedded with extreme Z-IP afp server, LaCIE etherdisk).
    I'm not sure if I can configure the nas to avoid creating those dot files.

  • aventin

    aventin - 2012-11-13
    • status: open --> closed
    • milestone: --> areca-3.11

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