
#386 .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'


I got errors on the end of a succeeded backup. archive wasn'z deleted due to that error.

I got afp shares for the destination that are also used as smb shares. areca accesses them by smb as a connected logical drive (a: in this case). D; is an ntfs partitition.

$ ls -a /cygdrive/a |grep DS_Store

$ ls -a /cygdrive/d |grep DS_Store

11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Loading configured file metadata accessor : [] ...
11-08-04 17:34 - DETAIL - Configured metadata accessor description :
11-08-04 17:34 - DETAIL - Default metadata accessor for Windows. It only handles the "read-only" file attribute.
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Testing configured file metadata accessor ...
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - [] validated.
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - ACL support : no
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Extended attributes support : no
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - System informations :
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - ----------------------------------------
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Version : 7.2.1
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Build ID : 6676889719984660763
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Available Memory : 1484 MB
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - OS Name : Windows 7 - 6.1
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Java Virtual Machine : Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment - 1.6.0_26-b03 - Sun Microsystems Inc.
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - File encoding : windows-1252
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Language : de
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Framework properties : {filetool.delay=200, ftp.debug=false, repository.access.ftp.cache=true,, threadlocal.log.level=3, encryption.keygen.iterations=96731, filetool.buffer.size=800000, zip.crc.enable=true, fs.max.filepath.check.force=-1, delta.debug=false, fs.max.filepath=256,, fs.use.buffer=true, memory.base.kb=81820, cache.preload=false, fs.max.cached.mountpoints=2000, repository.check.consistency=true, ftp.max.proxies=4, delta.quickhash.modulus=68228191, encryption.keygen.algorithm=PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1, delta.linkedlist.buffer.size=204800,, repository.access.hd.cache.depth=2, ftp.use.cache=true, ftp.noop.delay=30000, file.hash.algorithm=SHA, zip.buffer.size=8182, hash.cache.size=200, log.default.history=10, ftp.cache.size=100, os.browsers=firefox, opera, konqueror, epiphany, mozilla, netscape, file.streams.debug=true, delta.quickhash.multiplier=98813, repository.access.hd.cache=false, threadlocal.log.max.messages=200, viewer.handler.impl=com.myJava.system.viewer.DesktopViewerHandler,, log.level=8, delta.hashmap.size=10007, smtp.debug=false, hash.use.cache=true, encryption.keygen.salt.encoding=UTF-8, encryption.keygen.salt=ù%${{²]}}[|`è€$£^¤*!§:/..;;,,_?"\°à@@%µ, fs.cache.debug=false, backup.debug=false, repository.access.ftp.cache.depth=2,, sse.protocols=SSL, TLS, TLS-P, TLS-C, repository.access.debug=false, fs.buffer.size=800000}
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Available translations : cn, cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, nl, pt, ru, sv, tw
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - File metadata accessor :

11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Installing medium : [com.application.areca.impl.IncrementalDirectoryMedium - FileSystemPolicy = [com.application.areca.impl.policy.DefaultFileSystemPolicy - Path = "A:/Backup/1111860017" - Name = "%YY%%MM%%DD%" ] - EncryptionPolicy = [com.application.areca.impl.policy.EncryptionPolicy - IsEncrypted = false ] - CompressionArguments = [com.myJava.file.CompressionArguments - IsCompressed = true - Zip64 = true - Add extension = true - Charset = "UTF-8" - Comment = <null> - VolumeSize = -1 - NbDigits = 0 - Level = 6 ] - Image = false - Transaction Size = 51200 ]
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Registring a new file system driver : Mount Point = A:\Backup, Driver = [com.myJava.file.driver.event.EventFileSystemDriver - Identifier = "Areca repository access" - Predecessor = [com.myJava.file.driver.DefaultFileSystemDriver] ]
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Registring a new file system driver : Mount Point = A:\Backup\1111860017, Driver = [com.myJava.file.driver.event.EventFileSystemDriver - Identifier = "Areca repository access" - Predecessor = [com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver - Predecessor = [com.myJava.file.driver.DefaultFileSystemDriver] ] ]
11-08-04 17:34 - INFO - Reading target configuration file : C:/Users/me.;YDOM/.areca/workspace/Xp64 grafik D+ao/1995054754.bcfg

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal file name : .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'

11-08-04 18:36 - DETAIL - Processing D:/npp_sessions
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Committing backup ...
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Creating a copy of the target's XML configuration ...
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Creating a XML backup copy of target "LaCie_D+ao" on : A:/Archiv/areca_config_backup
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Closing transaction point 63 (A:\Archiv\507076372\110804_data\transaction\00000000063) ...
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Deleting transaction point 62 (A:\Archiv\507076372\110804_data\transaction\00000000062) ...
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Deleting transaction point 63 (A:\Archiv\507076372\110804_data\transaction\00000000063) ...
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Commit completed.
11-08-04 18:36 - ERROR
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal file name : .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.decode(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.access$000(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver$FilenameFilterAdapter.accept(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.DefaultFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.event.EventFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.FileSystemManager.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.listArchives(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.getLastArchive(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractFileSystemMedium.getLastArchive(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.commitBackup(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.IncrementalDirectoryMedium.commitBackup(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.AbstractTarget.commitBackup(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.FileSystemTarget.commitBackup(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.AbstractTarget.processBackup(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.ActionProxy.processBackupOnTarget(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Application$9.runCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Application$ Source)
at Source)

11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - 7.742.114 kb read in 2.341 seconds.
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Average data input : 3.306 kb/second.
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - 6.716.493 kb written in 2.341 seconds.
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Average data output : 2.868 kb/second.
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Validating and running processor : com.application.areca.processor.MailSendProcessor - admin@laciedom.local -
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Sending a mail report to : admin@laciedom.local using SMTP server :
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Backup completed.
11-08-04 18:36 - INFO - Backup completed on LaCie_D+ao (507076372)
11-08-04 21:18 - INFO - Physical View - Looking for archives in Y:/Backup/924435793
11-08-04 21:20 - INFO - Physical View - Looking for archives in A:/Backup/491309790
11-08-04 21:20 - INFO - Physical View - Looking for archives in A:/Archiv/507076372
11-08-04 21:20 - ERROR
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal file name : .DS_Store. It is expected to end with '.zip'
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.decode(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.access$000(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver$FilenameFilterAdapter.accept(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.DefaultFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.CompressedFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.driver.event.EventFileSystemDriver.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.file.FileSystemManager.listFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.impl.AbstractIncrementalFileSystemMedium.listArchives(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.composites.PhysicalViewComposite.fillTargetData(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.composites.PhysicalViewComposite.refresh(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.common.RefreshMonitor.refresh(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.common.RefreshMonitor.invalidate(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.common.RefreshManager.invalidate(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.MainWindow.refresh(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Application.setCurrentObject(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.composites.TargetTreeComposite.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(
at Source)
at Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Launcher.launchImpl(Unknown Source)
at com.myJava.system.AbstractLauncher.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.application.areca.launcher.gui.Launcher.main(Unknown Source)


  • floogy

    floogy - 2011-08-04

    $ find /cygdrive/a -iname ".DS_Store"

    $ find /cygdrive/d -iname ".DS_Store"|wc -l

  • floogy

    floogy - 2011-11-14

    This bug is still in areca 7.2.3.

  • floogy

    floogy - 2012-09-05

    This error occures also with the newest java and areca updates.

  • aventin

    aventin - 2012-11-19

    Those files are added by an external program to the archive directories produced by areca.
    the last versions of Areca are more robust to such additional files but modifying the content of the archives is not really advisable

  • aventin

    aventin - 2012-11-19
    • status: open --> closed
    • milestone: --> areca-3.11

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