
Arduino MIDI Library / News: Recent posts

Release 3.2

This release brings compatilbility with Arduino 1.0 (if using an older version and having compilation problems, see the first lines of MIDI.cpp).

Release notes:
- Fixed bug where running status was corrupted when receiving Real Time messages.
- Added support for larger SysEx arrays (receiving and sending).
- Added a fast-parsing mode (see macro USE_1BYTE_PARSING in MIDI.h to set it on/off). It basically allows to return much faster, if your loop code needs such a thing (eg: real time audio processing).

Posted by Francois BEST 2012-01-28

Patch 3.1.1

This minor release has a better documentation, and a few methods were added to ease up the use of MIDI enumerated types within your code.


Posted by Francois BEST 2011-05-20

Release 3.1

Release notes:

* Added Callback support. This is an easier way to handle input messages, as the function you specify as a callback for a type will be.. called back automatically when a message of this type is received. You don't need to call GetData1, GetType, etc anymore, the data is available in your function's parameters.

* Corrected bugs on running status and thru.

Posted by Francois BEST 2011-05-06

Patch 3.0.1

This patch is correcting the following bugs:

* System Exclusive reception undetected

Posted by Francois BEST 2011-03-07

Release 3.0

Release notes:
* Full support of MIDI specification, for both input and output:
- Channel messages (ok, these were already supported)
- System Common (MTC QuarterFrame, SongPosition, ect)
- System Real Time (All the sync messages : Clock, Start, Stop, Active Sensing ect)
- System Exclusive

* There is a Configuration section at the top of MIDI.h that allows you to tweak a few settings (baudrate, serial port to use, choose to compile only input or output for lighter programs)... read more

Posted by Francois BEST 2011-03-06