
ArcaneBase Knowledgebase System / News: Recent posts

Interest in this Project Still?

Is there interest in this project still? If so please email me and work will begain once again.

Posted by Mike Kober 2004-09-21

ArcaneBase 0.1.0 (Initial Release) Released

The ArcaneBase development team is pleased to present you our initial release version 0.1.1, This is to be considered an Alpha release. Please report any and all bugs.

ArcaneBase is a php based Knowledgebase system used for publishing documents for intranet, extranet, and internet applications.

Posted by Mike Kober 2003-08-31

Project Status

Sorry about the delay folks, but development has now resumed on the ArcaneBase Project. I have not had time recently due to some major changes in my life (mainly the birth of my daughter! :) ) that has not allowed me to have time to dedicate to the project.

Now that things have calmed down I am getting ready to fire up the development of this project. I am going to be in the next week or so posting for more assistance again, so lets get the ball rolling again with ArcaneBase and make it one of the better projects on Sourceforge!... read more

Posted by Mike Kober 2003-07-15

Status Update

Hello Everyone,

The ArcaneBase Knowledgebase System status has offically had it's development status to Pre-Alpha. We have now wrapped up the planning stage and have begun building the Alpha release.

More info to follow...

Posted by Mike Kober 2003-04-07