
AquaTerm (Mac OS X graphics terminal) / News: Recent posts

AquaTerm goes universal

AquaTerm 1.0.1 has been released. It features a universal binary installer for PPC and Intel Macs, and adds Lisp bindings. If you are currently using AquaTerm 1.0.0 on PPC there is no need to upgrade unless you want the Lisp bindings.

Posted by Per Persson 2006-07-31

AquaTerm 1.0.0 update1

A minor update to AquaTerm 1.0.0 (released 2005-07-26) correcting a problem with the installer where symlinks wouldn't get installed at the appropriate locations.

Posted by Per Persson 2005-09-17

AquaTerm 1.0.b2 released

After 3 years, 30000 downloads and 100000 page views AquaTerm is finally in beta!

The major change is that is now comes with a double-clickable standard installer. See file notes for a complete list of changes.

This version is a recommended update for anyone using gnuplot 4.0, no recompiling is necessary if gnuplot was compiled with support for AquaTerm 1.0.x.

Posted by Per Persson 2004-09-29

AquaTerm 1.0.a2 released

A new testing release of the completely overhauled AquaTerm.
Sources are tagged with "release-1_0_a2".
Many bugs were fixed. All adapters except PLplot are now release candidates, please take them for a spin.
Most work left is itself.
Thanks to all of you who provided feedback and help.

Posted by Per Persson 2004-03-16

AquaTerm 1.0.a1 released

A first testing release of a completely overhauled AquaTerm.
Sources are tagged with "release-1_0_a1".
From now on development will use 10.3 and XCode.
Mac OS X <10.3 will be supported.

Posted by Per Persson 2003-12-30

CVS source usable for testing

The source in CVS MAIN is good enough for some testing. Note that AquaTerm needs updated drivers which all links with libaqt.dylib. Only adapters for PGPLOT and gnuplot are updated.

Posted by Per Persson 2003-08-07

CVS MAIN unusable, use tag Bugfix_branch

Due to the major changes in progress, CVS main will be unusable (it will compile however).
To check out a working copy of the 0.3.2 bugfix branch use:
cvs co -r bugfix-0_3_2 <module>
where <module> is either aquaterm or adapters

Posted by Per Persson 2003-06-25

Back on track!

As of now, I'm resuming work on AquaTerm! (Downtime was due to finishing and defending my PhD thesis, both done!)

I've started the promised rewrite which will lead to:
multiple simultaneous clients, unified client code and mouse input.

Feel free to join the project to get your favorite new feature faster!


Posted by Per Persson 2003-06-25

AquaTerm 0.3.2 released

This release adds plplot 5.1.0 compatibility and a few bugfixes, see release notes for details.

You probably want to update your C, Fortran and pgplot clients with the new adapter.

Please provide feedback!

Posted by Per Persson 2003-02-11

Plplot support

Plplot support has been added to AquaTerm thanks to Mark Franz. The files are in CVS in adapters/plplot. For now, see the info in plplot sources for info on how to add a driver.

Posted by Per Persson 2002-10-21

Aquaterm 0.3.1 released

This is a bugfix release bringing the release version up to par with current cvs version.

You probably want to update your clients with the new adapters.

Please provide feedback!

Posted by Per Persson 2002-10-17

AquaTerm 0.3.0 released

AquaTerm is a Mac OS X grahics terminal written using Objective-C. It allows other applications to display vector graphics using remote object messaging.
This release adds features like: Color inspector, save as EPS/PDF, copy PDF & EPS, support for setting window title, support for adding images

New and/or updated adapters (drivers) for gnuplot, PGPLOT, FORTRAN and C.

Posted by Per Persson 2002-04-25

PGPLOT adapter for AquaTerm

The beginnings of a PGPLOT adapter for AquaTerm (or an AquaTerm driver for PGPLOT if you prefer that point of view;-) has been added to CVS. Check out the aquaterm developer list archives for more info.

Posted by Per Persson 2002-02-11

AquaTerm 0.2.1

AquaTerm is a Mac OS X grahics terminal written using Objective-C. It allows other applications to display vector graphics using remote object messaging. At present, there is an adapter for GNUPlot and example adapters in FORTRAN and Objective-C.

A new release adding some features like printing, saving and copying. Enjoy!

Posted by Per Persson 2002-01-26

FORTRAN adapter example

After the latest release, some people asked for an example of how to use AquaTerm with FORTRAN code.
I don't know FORTRAN, but i managed to cook up an example that can be found in CVS /adapters/fortran.

The calls are declared in the beginning of f2aqt.m and the implementation is at the very end of the file.

It is by no means a complete example but should serve as a decent start.

Happy hacking!

Posted by Per Persson 2001-12-17

Second release!

The second release of AquaTerm was on December 13. This time the release focused on getting the driver aquaTerm.trm ready for prime time.
Also, Fink ( provides an install of the latest AquaTerm together with gnuplot-3.8h

Posted by Per Persson 2001-12-17

First release

A First (binary) release of AquaTerm today!
Also tagged CVS sources accordingly.


Posted by Per Persson 2001-11-18

AquaTerm is open!

AquaTerm has gone open source! Please join the development. Use CVS to access the files for now.


Posted by Per Persson 2001-11-14