
Use external metalink program?

Ant Bryan
  • Ant Bryan

    Ant Bryan - 2007-06-26

    I believe it's mentioned in the changelog, how do you do it?

    • nabber00

      nabber00 - 2007-06-29

      You need to create a config.ini file with METALINK and METALINK_PARAMS set.  See the config-sample.ini file in your install directory for an example using aria2.  If you have aria2 installed at ${PROGRAMFILES}\Aria2\aria2c.exe (default path) you shouldn't have to configure anything and it should just work automatically.

    • Ant Bryan

      Ant Bryan - 2007-07-02

      Didn't notice that! Thanks, aria2 works!

    • Ant Bryan

      Ant Bryan - 2008-02-07

      how is the transition to using metalink checker for downloads coming? will that be in the next release or a ways off?

      • nabber00

        nabber00 - 2008-02-07

        I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be included in the next release.  I'm probably overdue for a code dump to the Appupdater SVN though.  Had a lot going on during that past month, I should be able to catch things up again soon.

        • Ant Bryan

          Ant Bryan - 2008-02-07

          cool! what else have you been working on? are you still doing the Miro thing?

          • nabber00

            nabber00 - 2008-02-08

            Well I've been busy with things outside of the coding world, ski trip, big job interview, etc.

            Miro hasn't budged since before Christmas.  The folks over there have been busy pushing out client releases.  At this point I'm thinking we may just wait for Firefox 3 to come out.

            Hmmm, other code.  I've been tinkering with my OpenID website a bit with all the Yahoo buzz around it.  Unfortunately I can't integrate with their implementation since you create a custom id, not your yahoo login name.  Anyone using any of the schemes AOL supports will get bounced to their OpenID server now (,,, @aim).  This way I'm not involved in the password transaction at all and users can continue exactly as they have in the past.


            I've really been trying to nail down the Vista issues with Appupdater.  It appears that the mere creation of a .exe from Python files will trigger the annoying Cancel/Allow dialog from Vista's UAC.  This occurs with both py2exe and pyinstaller.  This includes the new tray icon I want to have in the next release.  Very frustrating.


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