
Apps Unit / News: Recent posts

AppsUnit website Drupal-ized

The AppsUnit project website is now powered by Drupal.

It's running Drupal 5.1 with the ABAC theme,
on the project web service, using the project mysql service as database.

Posted by Jan Cumps 2007-06-17

AppsUnit: Oracle Apps test kit available

AppsUnit is the test kit for your Oracle Applications backend code.

The example test kit is available for download.

The suite uses some of the apps foundation views as an example.
These views are unit tested, and the results are available as html and pdf reports.

Posted by Jan Cumps 2006-10-30

AppsUnit: Look out for the release of the example test suite

AppsUnit is the test kit for your Oracle Applications backend code.

Look out for the release of the example test suite soon.
The suite will use some of the apps foundation views as an example.
These views will be unit tested, and the results will be available as html and pdf reports.

Posted by Jan Cumps 2006-10-28

AppsUnit tests your own Oracle Applications code

AppsUnit is the test kit for your Oracle Applications code.

The project wants to promote unit testing and test driven development in the ERP community.
We will do this by showing that it can be done, and by providing usefull tools.

The Test Guide explains how to test your database views:

Posted by Jan Cumps 2006-09-18