
AnyEdit / News: Recent posts

Release of AnyEdit 2.0 Beta 3

The Beta 3 release is here. The Beta 2 release was to get a first working version out after a few years of silence. After releasing it it gained popularity and users started reporting bugs and missing features. This Beta 3 release is mostly about stabilizing the application and adding new much needed features for a better programming experience.

The major new features are:
- Seperate maximizing of main and child windows.
- Commandline parameters -l <line> -c <column>
- Braces and Comments are now language independent.
- Added more color and font preferences.
- Added a reload document function.
- Better Find and Replace support.
- Convert tabs to spaces and Trim trainling spaces support.
- Improved classview support. ... read more

Posted by Leon Wennekers 2005-01-21

Release of AnyEdit 2.0 Beta 2

AnyEdit is a free Integrated Development Environment for Windows written in Visual C++. A year after the Beta 1 release we finally are ready for a Beta 2 release. The last six months work started progressing again and we worked hard on making the release. A lot has changed since the previous release. A great part of AnyEdit has been rewritten and the other part has been made working. AnyEdit has become a feature rich source code editor. It contains common features your would expect in an IDE like Syntax Highlighting, Macro support and Tool support. But also Workspace and Project support with full Class View of the classes in the sources. Go on and experience AnyEdit.

Posted by Leon Wennekers 2004-08-30

AnyEdit Beta 1.0 Released

AnyEdit is a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Win32 platform which can be customized to support any language and tool. AnyEdit has a professionally designed User interface with plenty of options like Class View, Workspace Management, Project/File templates, Auto Completion, Code Completion, Support for code snipplets, quick jump and more.

After nearly a year of develoment and 10 alpha versions AnyEdit Beta 1.0 has been released. All bugs reported during Alpha versions have been fixed. New helpful features have been added with documentation.... read more

Posted by M.Deepak 2003-03-18

AnyEdit - The official website !

AnyEdit's website is now hosted on and can be reached by the url . The website has also recently added up a forum for user interaction at

Posted by M.Deepak 2001-11-04