
AntRunner / News: Recent posts

AntRunner 2.3 released

AntRunner is an OpenTool for JBuilder 4 to 9 and JBuilderX to use Ant within the IDE.

This release provide som bug fixes and introduces some new features:
support of the keep going option
- support of the no input option
- Integration into JBuilder's build system (for JB>=7)
- Refactoring of stop ant action in the toolbar: Stopping all running nodes for the current project.
- possible to call context actions for a node that is not active
- show a warning icon in the status panel when ant finished with an error or warning
- Reload buildfile possible for all ant nodes in the project.
- Fixed bug: Check for null when stop ant action is called
- Fixed bug: Umlauts for the german translation
- Fixed bug: NullPointerException in project overview context action
- Fixed bug: The finish button in the ant node wizard is now enabled on all
pages after the selection of a build file
- Worked on bug: AntRunner panel is occasionally sized to maximum when when it is
opened (improved but not completely fixed)
- Fixed bug: Context menu working for JBuilder 4
- Fixed bug: Use of ANT's internal parser was not correctly initialized
- Fixed bug: Refactoring of internal parser
- Initial viewer for ANT build files
- Initial editor support for ANT build files
- Easier configuration of ANT script file by selecting the ANT_HOME directory... read more

Posted by Dirk Schnelle-Walka 2005-02-18

JBuilder 9 supports ANT

Finally Borland made ANT available for all users. ANT is supported in all editions of JBuilder 9.

Now, I have to make some thoughts about the future of this project.

Why shall I use a third party tool when the tool I want is already supported.

I think the integration has some lacks that AntRunner has not:

- You can edit while comiling
- AntRunner is independent of the ANT version
- In a team not all members have to own the newest version of JBuilder, because AntRunner supports ANT down to JBuilder 4
- The output is ugly, because javac supposes to have a fixed font output and JBuilder uses a variable width. Thus you cannot determine where the ^-pointer points to... read more

Posted by Dirk Schnelle-Walka 2003-06-06

JBuilder 7 supports ANT

In the newest release, JBuilder offers an integration of the ant build tool.

This feature is only available in the enterprise edition.

By now I do not have this version, because I am using the personal edition and this one is not available for a download.

I do not know how this integration looks like, but I will go on developing AntRunner to make ant available for users of earlier and/or non commercial versions of JBuilder.... read more

Posted by Dirk Schnelle-Walka 2002-06-19