
Tree [c204b6] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 WEBSITE 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files
 angrytux 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files
 data 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files
 README 2011-03-06 lkjoel lkjoel [fb26e1] Added files
 README~ 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [bb5a9b] Added utilities 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [bb5a9b] Added utilities 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files 2011-03-06 lkjoel lkjoel [fb26e1] Added files
 b2_framework.pyc 2011-03-06 lkjoel lkjoel [fb26e1] Added files 2011-03-07 lkjoel lkjoel [b6cf4e] Added b2 settings 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [bb5a9b] Added utilities 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files
 svn-commit.2.tmp 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files
 svn-commit.3.tmp 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files
 svn-commit.4.tmp 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files
 svn-commit.tmp 2011-03-08 lkjoel lkjoel [c204b6] Changed files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [f3f87c] Changed files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files 2011-02-24 lkjoel lkjoel [551802] Added files

Read Me

                              .______       _______     ___       _______  .___  ___.  _______ 
                              |   _  \     |   ____|   /   \     |       \ |   \/   | |   ____|
                              |  |_)  |    |  |__     /  ^  \    |  .--.  ||  \  /  | |  |__   
                              |      /     |   __|   /  /_\  \   |  |  |  ||  |\/|  | |   __|  
                              |  |\  \----.|  |____ /  _____  \  |  '--'  ||  |  |  | |  |____ 
                              | _| `._____||_______/__/     \__\ |_______/ |__|  |__| |_______|

|*  ____                                 _   _              *|
|* |  _ \ _ __ ___ _ __   __ _ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __   *|
|* | |_) | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \  *|
|* |  __/| | |  __/ |_) | (_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | *|
|* |_|   |_|  \___| .__/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| *|
|*                |_|                                       *|

Open up a Terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) window, and type in it:

  sudo apt-get install python python-tk python-imaging python-imaging-tk
  chmod 0555

|*  ____                    _              *|
|* |  _ \ _   _ _ __  _ __ (_)_ __   __ _  *|
|* | |_) | | | | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | *|
|* |  _ <| |_| | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | *|
|* |_| \_\\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | *|
|*                                  |___/  *|

Double click on or for Terminal geeks, type in:



-- The Angry Tux Team (lkjoel, caboose885, livelite [ developers, add your username here ])