
Tree [87a935] ics-x86 android-x86-4.0-r1 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 res 2012-08-02 Chih-Wei Huang Chih-Wei Huang [87a935] Superuser: fix incorrect translation format
 src 2012-05-30 blunden blunden [36b6f0] SuperUser: Use ICS alert icon 2012-01-31 Gavin Chapman Gavin Chapman [18a69f] Fix superuser build to be same as market version
 AndroidManifest.xml 2012-01-15 John Hsing John Hsing [cef3a0] Superuser: fix international translations of ap...
 README 2011-03-01 Adam Shanks Adam Shanks [f5a823] Add README file
 proguard.flags 2012-01-27 Pawit Pornkitprasan Pawit Pornkitprasan [f273f2] Superuser: Fix FC when checking for su binary u...

Read Me

This is the Superuser.apk for Android

Any app that requires root access must call the su binary which in turn calls this app to prompt the user for permission. This app is also used to manage which apps have root permission as well as monitor their usage of the permission.

Please note that the 'master-dev' branch is a working branch. Code contained in that branch should be considered 'pre-alpha'. Many features are missing and there are many bugs. Compile and use at your own risk.