
Libreoffice 5.x support?

  • Johannes Rohr

    Johannes Rohr - 2015-10-25

    Last time I tried, Anaphraseus did not work with LibreOffice 5.x. I use it a lot, so I downgraded to 4.x again, but I wonder whether a port is in the making... Thanks!!

  • Ole Yansen

    Ole Yansen - 2015-10-26

    Hi Johannes

    I will check LibreOffice 5.

    Best regards, Oleg

  • Ole Yansen

    Ole Yansen - 2015-10-29

    Hi Johannes

    Checked with Windows XP SP3/Java JRE 1.7.0_80/LibreOffice
    Proven to work.

    Additional setting:
    Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Advanced - Select your JRE
    Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - Formatting Aids - Check 'Hidden Text', 'Fields:Hidden Text'

    Also to improve view I have selected:
    Tools - Options - LibreOffice - View - Icon Size And Style - Small

    Best regards, Ole

  • Johannes Rohr

    Johannes Rohr - 2015-11-02

    Thank you Ole, I'll try that out. On my initial try I got runtime errors. I'm on Arch Linux 64 bit, with OpenJDK java -version says: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.2) (Arch Linux build 7.u91_2.6.2-1-x86_64)
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.2) (Arch Linux build 7.u91_2.6.2-1-x86_64)


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