
Identify and combine individual translations

  • erik teodoru

    erik teodoru - 2011-12-26

    Assuming the following 2 sentences already translated:

    "I have a beautiful cat"

    "I have an ugly dog"

    Now I have in my text the sentence:

    "I have a beautiful cat and I have an ugly dog"

    Is there possible that anaphraseus identify that the parts of the sentence are
    already translated as individual sentences and is it able to "glue" them to
    make a proposal for translation?

  • Ole Yansen

    Ole Yansen - 2011-12-26

    No it's not possible and I'll explain why. Let assume we have four translated

    1. "I have a beautiful cat"
    2. "I have an ugly dog"
    3. "I have an immortal hamster"
    4. "I have a cute mice"
      To check phrase with existing method only four checks needed.

    But to check phrase containing parts we have to check following possiblities:

    1. "I have a beautiful cat and I have an ugly dog"
    2. "I have a beautiful cat and I have an immortal hamster"
    3. "I have a beautiful cat and I have a cute mice"
    4. "I have an ugly dog and I have a beautiful cat"
    5. "I have an ugly dog and I have an immortal hamster"
    6. "I have an ugly dog and I have a cute mice"
    7. "I have an immortal hamster and I have a beautiful cat"
    8. "I have an immortal hamster and I have an ugly dog"
    9. "I have an immortal hamster and I have a cute mice"
    10. "I have a cute mice and I have a beautiful cat"
    11. "I have a cute mice and I have an ugly dog"
    12. "I have a cute mice and I have an immortal hamster"

    I'm not considering sentences like:

    "I have a beautiful cat, an ugly dog and I have immortal hamster", " "I have a
    beautiful cat, an ugly dog, and immortal hamster and I have a cute mice"" -
    this will increase number of checks enormously :-)

    But here is one option to help in such cases - Concordance Search. If you
    remembering you'v translated something about cats and dogs just select words
    with Ctrl+mouse (to select more than one) and call Concordance Search feature.
    It will seach your database and show you all occurences match with selected

  • erik teodoru

    erik teodoru - 2011-12-26

    OK. I think I will try to find a LOGICAL contra-argument to the first part you
    are saying. I will try to make an logical diagram - maybe I will fail but I
    think it could work.... please have patience with me!

    Question - how can I use the concordance search ? from which menu ????

    Thank you very much!

  • Ole Yansen

    Ole Yansen - 2011-12-26

    Concordance Search button is left of the "Clean-Up" button on toolbar. It
    appears in version 2.03.

    You're welcome :-)


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