
Selecting certain WF TM not working

Einar Beck
  • Einar Beck

    Einar Beck - 2008-10-05

    Hi there,

    Windows XP SP3
    OpenOffice 2.4
    Anaphraseus 1.22

    1. I implemented Anaphraseus
    2. I selected a WordFast created TM
    3. I wanted to select another WordFast created TM
    4. Nothing happened. After closing the dialog box, I got the following error message:

    "OpenBasic error in
    'Index außerhalb des definierten Bereichs'
    Line 59"
    (English roughly: 'Index outside the defined sector')

    1. I clicked on ok.
    2. I clicked Alt+F9

    I got the following error message:

    "OpenBasic error in
    'Ungültiger Prozeduraufruf'
    Line 58"
    (English roughly: 'invalid procedure request')

    Than I have to restart OOo Writer to be able to use the TM again, but I cannot change to the one TM. Others are working fine.

    Any ideas.

    • Ole Yansen

      Ole Yansen - 2008-10-14

      Its strange.. Wordfast has changed his memory format?
      I'll check it.

      Regards, Oleg.

    • Ole Yansen

      Ole Yansen - 2008-10-06

      Could you send me broken TM on ole_yansen at

      Regards, Oleg

    • Gabix

      Gabix - 2008-10-06

      It happens :) And it's about headers. As a workaround:
      a) create a new TM from Anaphraseus.
      b) open it and copy into it all TUs (i.e., all lines except the first one) from the Wrodfast TM you want to use.


    • Einar Beck

      Einar Beck - 2008-10-06

      I guess, I found the issue:

      The header of this TM was this (I don´t know why, WordFast never complained):

      ! Wordfast glossary /NoLoad
      % User n°=85384060
      % User n°=85384060
      %20070814~115032 %User ID,DS,DS Deepak Shota,J %TU=00000000 %NL-NL %Wordfast TM v 5.0/00 %DE-DE %---81099672 EL LS .
      20030205~130539 k 0 NL-NL Geachte heer, DE-DE Sehr geehrter Herr, EL PS
      20030205~130925 k 0 NL-NL Bij deze laten wij u nogmaals dringend weten dat zonder toestemming van licentiehouder Voetakker BV te Lutjebroek-Holland en het hebben van verkregen licentie, het verboden is om sjalotten te telen van de rassen Springfield &'AE;, Red Sun &'AE;, Delicato &'AE; en/of Golden Gourmet &'AE;. DE-DE hiermit möchten wir Sie noch einmal dringend darauf hinweisen, dass es ohne Zustimmung des Lizenzhalters Voetakker BV zu Lutjebroek-Holland und der vollzogenen Erteilung einer Lizenz, verboten ist, Schalotten der Rassen Springfield &'AE;, Red Sun &'AE;, Delicato &'AE; und/oder Golden Gourmet &'AE; zu züchten. EL PS

      Oleg, would you still like the whole TM?


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