
Angora Guestbook / News: Recent posts

Complete german language

Tim Eufinger has finished translating the guestbook to german.

You can now download the new german language archive, which contains the front-end and the administrator center translations.

Posted by Adel 2008-09-05

Version 0.7.6 released

Version 0.7.6 is released !

There is no major changes, or new features.
This version fixes several possible XSS vulnerabilities, and it is a highly recommanded update.

Posted by Adel 2008-08-25

German and finnish language

Tim Eufinger and Matti Koskinen has translated ANG to german and finnish.

For german, only the front-end file has been translated. So you can use your guestbook now in german (but not the administrator center).

For finnish, both, the front-end and the admin center files were translated.

Thanks for Tim and Matti for their work, and thanks to all the ANG translators.

Posted by Adel 2008-08-14

3 years of ANG !

3 years ago, May 2005, i started making ANG.

At the time it was still named 'A Guestbook'.

The baby has grown up, and today has become one of the best php/mysql guestbooks !

Happy birthday ANG :)

Posted by Adel 2008-05-30

Version 0.7.5 released

Finally version 0.7.5 is released.

It includes a backup/restore log tool, advanced statistics and more security and stability.

Get it now !

Posted by Adel 2008-04-19

An installation bug

Version 0.7.1 had an installation bug, preventing the guestbook from being installed. (in new installation only)

I have fixed this bug and released a fixed 0.7.1 version.

I apologize for this error and for the time i needed to fix it.
Thanks to DrSlony for pointing this bug.

I will try to update the download link in the website.. i am now still with no internet for the last 30 days due to problems with my new ISP :(.... read more

Posted by Adel 2008-03-09

Drop support for version 0.4.5 and older

I have decided to drop support for version 0.4.5 and older ones.

This mean i won't give any more help to people using those version.. and most important, new versions of ANG won't have an upgrade function for those old versions.

I encourage you to upgrade your guestbook to one of the supported versions (0.5 and newer), most specially to the newest version to date 0.7.1.

In the meantime, i am working on the next upgrade (version 0.7.5), which have some interesting and great new functions.. more soon.

Posted by Adel 2008-02-26

Version 0.7.1 released

This versions add a preview button in the sign page.

People will have the option to preview the post before sending it.

Posted by Adel 2008-01-18

Version 0.7 released

After 6 months of development, version 0.7 is here!

Lots of changes and improvements, so be careful before upgrading.

The most important update is that ANG is now based on TPL themes instead of css styles.
If you upgrading, note that you cannot now change styles directly from the admin center. Instead you can change themes.
If you want to change styles, you need to do it manually by modifying the header.tpl file in your desired theme.... read more

Posted by Adel 2007-12-17

Version 0.7 soon

During the summer, i was working on version 0.7, which is a huge upgrade over the past versions.

New features :

* ANG now uses a template system, which will give users more freedom in changing the themes without altering the php code

* Rewriting of most php code, resulting in fewer php pages and better script performance

* A new manage posts page, with the capability to delete/ban/publish several posts in one click... read more

Posted by Adel 2007-09-10

Version 0.6 released

Finally it is here : version 0.6 !

There is few major feature in this release, but it is a huge bug fix version. A recommended upgrade.

In addition to that, i made a full installation/upgrade help page with picture. Check it here :

Posted by Adel 2007-07-15

Fix a bug in version 0.5

There is a small bug in version 0.5

When someone writes a message and doesn't choose a rating (Site rating).. and then updates his message.
The rating becomes 0 instead of undefined.

You can fix this by downloading the config/sign.php new file and put it instead of the old one, from here :

Or you can fix it manually. To do so, open config/sign.php, go to line 54.. you should see this :... read more

Posted by Adel 2007-03-13

Version 0.5 released

After weeks of development, version 0.5 is ready.
It incorporate a backup/restore database tool, simple to use as clicking a button!

This is the faster, simpler and most powerful AN Guestbook, ever made :)

Check the changelog here :

And download it today !

ps : Now AN Guestbook, is also translated into turkish. Thanks to Nejdet Acar :)

Posted by Adel 2007-02-02

Version 0.4.5 released!

Finally, version 0.4.5 is released!
Lots of new things added, including a ZIP function, which will allow you - per example - to upload several smilies in one .zip file!

here is the changelog :

Add limit number of characters in messages and fields
Add automatic resize images
Add ZIP upload function
Add gzip compression (ob_gzhandler function), this should let the php code run 5-15% faster
Add javascript effects in the admin center (plus and minus buttons)
Email, country, location and site rating are not required anymore, however if an email is written, it should be valid
Fix duplicate admin name bug
Fix a minor bug in the installation
Add a new background image for the image verification script
A lot of design and bug fixes

Posted by Adel 2006-12-23

Zip upload

ANG 0.4.5 will include a open source php class, that will enable admins to upload and automatically extract zip files.

Example : if you want to upload 5 new styles.. Just put them in one zip files, and upload this file.
ANG will automatically extract it, copy the 5 styles and remove the zip file.

Posted by Adel 2006-12-16

ANG 0.4.5 soon

ANG version 0.4.5 will be released soon. Development is nearly finished, and the last tests are being made.

This version will incorporate an easy and simple backup/restore database tool.
One-click backup!

There has been some bug and design fixes.
Some fields are not required anymore, and the admin can limit the number of characters in messages.

And finally the admin can choose to activate the image resize function or not.

Posted by Adel 2006-12-13

ANG 0.4.1 released

Version 0.4.1 is ready!

I have added the ability to delete files directly from the server (smilies, styles, etc..).
Also i fixed several bugs.

Posted by Adel 2006-09-14

New patch

A patch that fixes 2 bugs, has been released for version 0.4.

It is just one file to be replaced with the fixed one.

Posted by Adel 2006-09-04


As everyone know now, Lebanon had a 33 days war and destruction.
This made me halt temporarily the development of ANG.
Nothing to be worry about. Everything will be back to normal.

A new version (0.4.1) is going to be made soon
It will include bugs and security fixes.

And thanks to Wouter (mprofile) for reporting several bugs.

Posted by Adel 2006-09-01

ANG 0.4 released

Version 0.4 is out!

I have fixed the javascriot BBcode, so it can work now on IE too.
Tests have been made on IE 6, Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9. Everything is working perfectly.
I added standard SQL-injection protecton, and flood protection.

The sign page design is partially changed, and i added a new style : new_blue.css (few changes only)

Posted by Adel 2006-07-25

News about me

Few days ago, i finished my exams :)

So now i will returning to make ANG better and better..

I have some great new ideas..
But first, i am going to fix the annoying bug in the javascript code for the BBcode, when using IE.
A very annoying bug :(.. but it is not hard to fix :)

I will make a cool new style.

Maybe i will make a 0.3.6 version, including the bug fix.

As for ANG 0.4.. I will start working on it, with maybe a template engine, instead of the CSS styles system.

Posted by Adel 2006-07-04

ANG 0.3.5 released

ANG 0.3.5 has been released.

A bug has been fixed in the installation.
But the most exiting, is the advanced javascript for BBCodes and smilies.
Words can't describe it, just test it :)

Posted by Adel 2006-05-29

The guestbook is one year old :)

On end May 2005, i started making the guestbook :)
Actually i can't remember the exact date, but i think it was between 22 and 24 May.

At first, the guestbook was named 'A Guestbook'. Now it is named 'AN Guestbook' :)

There has been much improvement in it since a year. I started making this project, as a way to learn more PHP.
But quickly, it turned into an amazing hobby.

The guestbook was growing, and it was better and better.
I actually have many things to add to the guestbook. :)
I have examsn in a month, so i won't add much stuff until July :)... read more

Posted by Adel 2006-05-24

ANG 0.3.5 soon

I didn't have much time to work on the guestbook, but i managed to make a better javascript code for BBCodes and smilies.

Just test it on the demo site ( Try to write a message and use BBCodes :)

I fixed a minor bug in the installation also.

Posted by Adel 2006-05-24

ANG 0.3.4 relesead

ANG 0.3.4 has been released.
I have updated slightly the styles, and i added an image verification management.
Admins can now turn on/off the image verification, or choose between an image (uses the GD lib) or text (doesn't use the GD lib) verification method.

Posted by Adel 2006-04-29