
AgileWiki / News: Recent posts

AgileWiki Database Finished

The base platform, Element Model, implements a fully scalable and robust Knowledge Repository called an Ark. An Ark is a repository for Rolons and is itself a Rolon. A Rolon is an XML DOM with flexible bindings. Rolons can implement a service, hold a range of content, or serve as an index to other Rolons. And there is no upper limit to the size of a Rolon.

The Element Model platform is open and extensible. Plugins are used to define and extend the binding schema used to construct a Rolon. Depending on the choice of plugins, the program you create can be a Web Server, a Swing Client, a P2P node, a Back-End Server, or any combination of these.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2009-03-27

Element Model now fully scalable

The base platform, Element Model, implements a fully scalable and robust Knowledge Repository called an Ark. An Ark is a repository for Rolons and is itself a Rolon. A Rolon is an XML DOM with flexible bindings. Rolons can implement a service, hold a range of content, or serve as an index to other Rolons. And there is no upper limit to the size of a Rolon.

The Element Model platform is open and extensible. Plugins are used to define and extend the binding schema used to construct a Rolon. Depending on the choice of plugins, the program you create can be a Web Server, a Swing Client, a P2P node, a Back-End Server, or any combination of these.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2009-03-21

Build your application on a time machine

COODBMS release 0.18 now fully supports time travel. This OODBMS is built on Copy-On-Write technology and gives you the ability to freely navigate in time, viewing state and transversing links for any past time.

The project builds on Rolonics Theory, with Rolons as an alternative to JavaBeans. The next phase of development will focus on a universal (application independent) GUI written in Python--the server is Java. ... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2008-05-04

COODBMS backward compatability issues solved

COODBMS is a new kind of OODBMS which works with standarized structures of objects out of which applications can be constructed. The result is a tremendous reduction in the amount of code needed to implement an application as well as opening the door for fully configurable GUI's.

Clients interact with the database server over regular sockets, with requests/responses using RoleML, an extensible XML dialect.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2008-03-29

Reinventing Components

COODBMS, the AgileWiki Database, revisits the idea of components, replacing them with standard, comprehensive structures. This allows for the development of a rich set of operations for manipulating these structures, called Rolons, together with a framework for supporting complex relationships between Rolons and journaling, resulting in a programming environment which enables the development of fluid and highly extensible applications.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2008-03-10

Final Release of CowDb

CowDb is a new kind of Object Store, based on Copy-On-Write (COW) technology. Objects are disk-centric rather than memory-centric, with B-Trees and large extensible hashes being just another kind of object in the object Store. And being based with COW technology, deep copies (branches) are blazing fast. Objects have pathnames relative to their root branch and pathnames are used to create links between objects. Backlinks add to the overall managability and integrety of the object store.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2008-01-11

AgileWiki: CowDb, a new kind of Object Store--beta release

AgileWiki explores new knowledge representation. The current effort is on implementing a copy-on-write OODBMS with support for fast deep copies, b-trees, large extensible hashes, simple lists, bush structures and calendars.

CowDb is a new kind of Object Store based on Copy-On-Write technology. It supports fast deep copies, b-trees and large extensible hashes.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2008-01-07

Next Generation Application Development

AgileWiki3.0 implements a (basic) set of rolonic structures. And as Rolonics is the unified field theory of applications, any application can be viewed from a rolonic perspective and implemented using rolonic structures.

So come join the fun! This is the ultimate in disruptive technology and we are going to rock the industry. read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2006-07-06

CompStrm Wiki now supports email

This is an agile collaborative knowledge management tool with version control. It features a week-at-a-glance calendar and a transactional database. Use it to organise everything from notes to email to complex projects. Supports both pop and imap protocols.

See for more details. Or visit to see it in action.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2005-08-17

CompStrm Wiki has built-in Calendar

Release 1.3 of the CompStrm Wiki now has a built-in calendar. Both Gregorian and ISO calendar systems have been implimented jointly.

The CompStrm Wiki also supports versioning, content management and csv files. There is also a live sample site at

Home page for the CompStrm Wiki is at

Posted by Bill la Forge 2005-07-18

The CompStrm Wiki

Anyone, once they login, can modify the contents of a Wiki. It is a bit like the Wild West sometimes, as pages can get renamed or deleted. Links can easily be broken and valuable content lost. That is because only the latest content can be accessed.

The CompStrm Wiki can help. All content, once entered, remains accessible. Users can view all changes made to a page, and can even go back in time and navigate links to pages that no longer exist. (This applies to the topics list and page citations as well.) You can even create links on a Wiki page which specify the time at which a page is to be viewed.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-11-15

The Anything Box

This is a new kind of database. You can put anything into it, and make any kind of query to access its contents. It works with structures and complexes of structures using very scalable technology. And you can view current state, past state, and changes over time. It is an extensible system that begins with a rich set of metadata for describing data and operations, with operations and data properties grouped into capabilities, which in turn are used to construct data types.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-10-11

Navigating Time

TKFS is a file server that builds on the Time Knowledge Store, simplifying access of knowledge structures through the use of simple path names.

The TKFS Server is a demo tool providing interactive access to TKFS. With it you can view file content and directories for current or past times, as well as viewing the underlying changes.


Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-07-10

full-featured extensible client/server

With the addition of a challenge/response login protocol, compstrm now has a full-featured extensible client/server.


Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-06-14

Twisted Service Components for BSDDB

In the 040602 release, the EnvSvc and DbSvc classes are provided. These classes support the full spectrum of configurations possible with BSDDB.

I would also like to credit the atop project to which I made frequent references while developing these classes.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-06-02

(Un)Twisted Clients and Servers

Added a demonstration client and server based on

This code demonstrates (a) how to use CompStrm
to write Twisted clients and servers and (b) how
much clear your code is when using CompStrm.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-26

CompStrm reintegrated with Twister

The CompStrm modules, tests and web pages have
been reorganized to clearly deliniate integration with
asyncore and Twisted.

Additionally, an alternate integration with Twisted
is included.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-25

Thread Migration in Twisted

The Twisted version on CompStrm now offers the ability to move a computational stream from one thread to another.

This makes it easy to do blocking I/O without comprimising the main thread.



Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-18

CompStrm now supports Twisted

Polling is not a good thing, especially in an asynchronous framework like Twisted.

But if something looks like polling and acts like polling, when is it NOT polling? --When its incrimental computing!

CompStrm adds a very light-weight form of multi-threading to asynchronous frameworks as a means of avoiding the overhead of thread locks.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-17

CompStrm integration with Medusa

In the 040512 release, the integration of Computational Streaming with Medusa provides a scalable solution for long-running scripts, typical of distributed processing.

Computational Streaming is an alternative implementation of asynchronous programming, resulting is code that is easier to read and maintain than the usual inverted style.

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-12

Simplified async pipe interface

Hindsight is 20/20, and that's what the latest compstrm release is all about.

This release completely reworks pipes and simplifies their interface.

(The compstrm project explores a novel aproach to asynchronous programming, allowing the developer to write untwisted code that is ever so much easier to read and maintain.)

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-06

Threadless, Unix-like processes using Python coroutines

The compstrm project now supports very light-weight Unix-like processes and pipes, implemented as coroutines using the Python yield statement and asynchronous programming techniques.

The result is super-fast code with all the convenience of threads but without the complexities. And cleanup is automatic, as these processes get garbage collected (unlike threads).

An integration with asynchat demonstrates how your asynchronous code can be untwisted, making it much easier to read and maintain.... read more

Posted by Bill la Forge 2004-05-05