
AgileWiki Database Finished

The base platform, Element Model, implements a fully scalable and robust Knowledge Repository called an Ark. An Ark is a repository for Rolons and is itself a Rolon. A Rolon is an XML DOM with flexible bindings. Rolons can implement a service, hold a range of content, or serve as an index to other Rolons. And there is no upper limit to the size of a Rolon.

The Element Model platform is open and extensible. Plugins are used to define and extend the binding schema used to construct a Rolon. Depending on the choice of plugins, the program you create can be a Web Server, a Swing Client, a P2P node, a Back-End Server, or any combination of these.

Additional features include:
- Scoped Relations between Rolons
- Scoped Qualifiers
- Relation and Qualifier Searchs
- Access Control
- Navigation across Peers
- Single Signon
- Data Migration
- A Database Validation Utility
- A Swing Front End

Technologies used by the Element Model include:
- Copy-On-Write (COW)
- SMTP Server
- Full-Duplex NIO Sockets
- B-Trees
- Namespaces and Namespace Imports (Applicative Context)
- Meta Data driven GUI
- Asynchronous Command Processing
- Fibonacci-based Disk Space Management
- Weak References and LRU Caches
- Extensible/Scalable XML DOM with flexibles Binding.

Included in release 14.1.0:
- Menus have been reorganized.
- Keywords have been dropped in favor of scoped qualifiers.
- Reader, Owner and Writer permissions now also serve as qualifiers.
- UserGroupRelation has been dropped, but user groups now also serve as qualifiers. Consequently the AddUserGroup and RemoveUserGroup have been dropped in favor of the AddQualifier and RemoveQualifier commands.
- A new Users index provides access by user name.
- New commands: DefineQualifier, AddQualifier, RemoveQualifier, QualifierSearch and ChangeUserName.
- Misc bug fixes.
- Started FileProxies plugin.

AgileWiki Community:

Posted by Bill la Forge 2009-03-27

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