Fabio Siciliano - 2007-03-14

Hi there,

I’m trying to make bootable a 1Gb USB Flash Drive.

My target is to have there a FAT file system with MS-DOS 5 and then to boot it from the USB Flash Drive to install XOSL on my nVidia RAID5 system made of 3 SATA 300 Gb Seagate Barracuda HDDs.

My MoBo is an ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe with an AMI BIOS version 1303, the OS is on the RAID5 array and the OS itself is Windows XP Professional SP2.

I tried to do the job with the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool but it was unable to make my USB Flash Drive bootable: I tried with every USB boot device configuration available in my MoBo’s BIOS but each time I got boot error messages like these: ‘Missing operating system’, ‘Error loading operating system’, ‘Invalid system disk’ or ‘Non-system disk or disk error’.

Googling the Internet I understood it probably was an error in FAT encoding, so I discovered MakeBootFAT and decided to try to do the job by it but, till now, I was unable to make it work as expected.

The command:

‘makebootfat -o m: -b bootsect.bin -m mbrfat.bin -F -L USBDRIVE -E 255 -v -i USBIMAGE’

both executed from the Windows command line and from a batch file (.cmd) issues the following fatal error message:

‘You must be Administrator to access the device m:.’.

I tried to run it both from the Administrator user and from my personal user (member of Administrators group) getting each time the same error.

I tried also to run it by the RUNAS Windows command:

‘runas /profile /user:"NOMAD\Administrator" "C:\Programmi\MakeBootFAT\makebootfat -o m: -b bootsect.bin -m mbrfat.bin -F -L USBDRIVE -E 255 -v -i USBIMAGE"’

RUNAS asks for the password and then answers this way (translated from Italian):

‘Attempt to run C:\Programmi\MakeBootFAT\makebootfat -o m: -b bootsect.bin -m mbrfat.bin -F -L USBDRIVE -E 255 -v -i USBIMAGE as user "NOMAD\Administrator" ...’

At this point a window opens and closes at the speed of a flash so it is no possible to read any message and nothing more happens.

If I run RUNAS with the "-env" option I get the same ‘You must be Administrator to access the device m:.’ instead.

Further infos: ‘m:’ is the drive letter assigned to the USB Flash Drive by the OS; I captured the ‘bootsect.bin’ file from an MS-DOS 5 boot floppy disk by ‘mkbt.exe’ (Make Bootable) with the command ‘mkbt -c a: work\bootsect.bin’; USBIMAGE is the directory that stores the files (IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT and various directories) I want to be copied in the USB Flash Drive; ‘C:\Programmi’ is the Italian version of ‘C:\Program Files’ being my Windows version an Italian localized one; NOMAD is my computer name.

Do you have any idea about this strange and frustrating behaviour and how to solve it?

Thank you in advance for your kind support and bye.

Fabio Siciliano
P.zza Gen. C.A. Dalla Chiesa 4
20021 – Bollate (MI)