

  • Mark Juszczec

    Mark Juszczec - 2011-03-21

    Hi all

    Is advancemame still supported?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-18

    Unfortunately, no.

  • goebelstin larse

    There has always been one main Advance dev - Andrea Mazzoleni - and who has taken an indefinite leave from AdvanceMAME since '06, and has not posted since an update to any other Advance project. Untill a couple weeks ago: a new version of AdvanceSCAN….

  • goebelstin larse

    …to any other Advance project sine '09, that is.

  • Andrea Mazzoleni

    Yep. I'm in the process of updating my arcade cabinet. And I'm going to make some updates at the advance programs, to make them compatible with recent OS and compilers.

    But take care that I don't expect to update AdvanceMAME to the latest MAME version. It seems too much work, not worth the effort considering that the games I like more are already supported by AdvanceMAME.


  • Dan Roscigno

    Dan Roscigno - 2012-11-20

    Grazie Andrea!  I was planning to update my old machine when I move from a regular disk to an SSD.  If you want any help please let me know.

  • whammoed

    whammoed - 2012-11-20

    Yep. I'm in the process of updating my arcade cabinet. And I'm going to make some updates at the advance programs, to make them compatible with recent OS and compilers. But take care that I don't expect to update AdvanceMAME to the latest MAME version. It seems too much work, not worth the effort considering that the games I like more are already supported by AdvanceMAME.

    That's good news.  Glad to hear it.
    Yes, not a huge reason to update to the latest version of MAME I don't think.  The current version works well.  Besides, the things I'd like to see fixed never seem to get attention like providing the support for cocktail mode in Asteroids.  I'd rather see AdvanceMAME branch off with its own updates and fixes.

  • goebelstin larse

    @Andrea: so nice to hear from you. I understand, yet wonder: there are games like Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, and Robotron that are different now play-wise and graphically, that would be nice to play in AdvanceMAME. Could these be incorporated without re-writing the drivers and all?

  • Andrea Mazzoleni

    Hi goelarse,

    I'm missing you. The three games you mention seems to work well in AdvanceMAME.

    Anyway, there are for sure some game that I would like to fix. Like the audio of shinobi.


  • goebelstin larse

    I forgot about Shinobi. Also, the graphics in Smash TV get screwy if you reset it in-game.

    On those other games: I think you misunderstand. They aren't broken in Advmame. They're different in color and how they play.

    - Dkong, Mspacman, and (especially recently due to a ton of interest and work by fans, collectors, and devs) Robotron play differently. Harder in ways.

    - graphically: dkong now has the option of purple girders versus red. It seems the Radarscope cabs had a different color circuit (making for red girders) than the dedicated cabinets (which had purple girders). In my town, they had dedicated cabinets. Mspac is sort of richer in color - you can see the first boards are more a peach color than a beige.

    The color scheme might not be doable, because there was something like a large color palette re-write Aaron did, which makes all the games look richer.

    Lastly, I forgot, the sound is better in all games. Compare Gyruss, for example. The clarity and stereo separation in current MAME are phenomenal. Indy actually sounds like Harrison Ford. Dkong no longer uses samples, and the audio quality is very different. And so on…..

  • goebelstin larse

    Hi Andrea. Shinobi sound is still screwy over here. I did a fresh directory and rc file, so no idea. Does is work for you?

  • bmarchetto

    bmarchetto - 2013-01-08

    Yes, updating some driver (one for all: dkong, removing the need for samples) would be a big addition to AdvanceMAME (still my favourite MAME version) ;)

    I also think that updating AdvanceMAME to actual MAME would not be worth the effort, also considering that the exe is much resources consuming now

  • Andrea Mazzoleni


    About shinobi, it's still broken also on my side. I tried to fix it, but unsuccessfully.

    Likely in the next months I'll try to port to the new MAME version, as it seems the only viable way to have fixed games.
    But take care that I cannot guarantee it :)


  • goebelstin larse

    Cool, man. Thank you for answering and for your work.


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