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File Date Author Commit
 data 2009-11-08 tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local [3fe158] paris-translators.txt using python conversion
 ocaml 2009-11-15 tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local [b9c15a] parsed into ghetto list of addresses using Str ...
 pdfminer-20091004 2009-10-14 tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local [b507ec] initial data and ideas
 README 2009-10-14 tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local tdhock@lazarus.lazarus.local [b507ec] initial data and ideas

Read Me

Toby Dylan Hocking 14 oct 2009

Address list map visualizer

Project motivated by the search for something nearby
(i.e. English-French translators in Paris), from a list of possible
addresses. Google maps does this with search terms. However in this
project we assume you already have a list of addresses.

Input will be either (1) some pdf, html, text, database, etc. file, or
(2) a url on the web where we can find such a document.

User interface will be command line or simple web application where
you upload a file or type the url.

Output will be a file with map annotations suitable for input to a web
map program such as openstreetmaps.

This is a very simple project and has probably already been done
before several times. However the point is to have an interesting
learning exercise, implementing 2 programs that do the same thing in 2
different languages: OCaml and Python.