
Planet surface

  • Radek Novak

    Radek Novak - 2008-02-22

    To brodiebrodie:

    Pls pls, tell me, wich way U made mountains and actually whole these hexes, some script in Gimp?

    I can at first help with planet look. In this case, I have basic note: The coast... Yes, in very games with this model of surfacing, the coast is in edge of hexes, I know... But, just maybe, isn't better, when the coast is in the MIDLLE of the hex, wich mean, is possible build city there, and then U can stand there with seal units as well as with groud units and actually with all units U can and let them heal in the city faster, precisely like in some harbour cities in real.. It makes also posible stand with groun units in same place with seal ones, (for loading these ground ones into the carrier) or for coast close combat battle.... But as I said, just maybe....

    thx for reaction (and, pls sorry for my ugly english, I'm from Czech...)

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-02-22

      :) Seccond enlightenment:
      I like SE4 idea about world & atmosphere types... in this case, the rock/oxygen type is the initial, but research can albe to habit other worlds. But I think better partitioning is rock/water/gas then rock/ice/gas, 'cause in fact, rock/oxy and ice/oxy enviroment has the same, or almost the same requirements for building abilities for humans...

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-02-22

      re mountains, yes gimp:

      open with gimp the "plain_draw_large.bmp" in grafix.

      on the plain_draw_large.bmp window goto:


      settings: move

      press the mouse button in the IWarp's picture icon window, keeping mouse pressed, drag the mouse towards the top of IWarp picture.

      having said that, and your reference to SE4. i think a medieval space opera feel to ad-infinitum would be more appropriate. can you not paint, or draw the pictures, scan them and adjust (with gimp or other) them to the hexes? I think the landscapes in the form of medieval paintings (giving hell forms to lava worlds) would be ideal, but is this asking to much?  

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-02-22

      THX for explaining hex painting...

      To the painting: I don't know, but I think scanned or digi-photo resampled surfaces are more realistic then darkage pixel-to-pixel painting, so my idea is take some photos of some kinds of surfaces and modify them.... or not?
      what about trees, I'll try some ways of use real photos of maybe few single trees, and also will try to use some air
      photos of ours forests.... will see.
      Buildings: I maybe try use some my photos of any real buildings, this is my first idea, but mybe will be better make them also in Blender....
      So, what kind of surface we have now?
      classic type: forest, desert, grass, jungle, and hills and mountains of all of them, and ocean.
      Duna-like: desert, oasis, (rivers?)...
      Easilly, pls send me what types U wish.

      next, to the units design: I think, its best make it in Blender and then render.... or U have better ways?


    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-02-24

      "next, to the units design", yes, but one thing at a time.

      "To the painting" - up to you

      "So, what kind of surface" - how about desert?

      desert will be divided (like temp is divided into temp, swamp, jungle, isles) into 4 types that share the same graphics:

      1) dead sea: the type that is currently shown (seas and rivers are dry beds)

      2) Dune like: the sea is sand dunes.

      3) rock: large amount of rocky surface (rocky surface replaces trees).

      4 )oasis: desert with seas and normal rivers, green belts around water with green plain and forest.

      how about it? i'll prepare the files to have 10 types of each terrain. (ie 10xsand dunes, 10xdesert mounts, 5xrocky plain, 5xrocky hill, 10xdesrt town....etc)

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-02-25

      correction: changing files to 5 types (and not 10 types) of each terrain.

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-02-25

      done....see ai_19_1

      ready for you...the file contains several types for each desert terrain feature (see the dune_desert1.BMP etc... type terrains to see how it works. My graphics is none to good but you can see the way they give random diversity. if you want to increase the chances of a world type to occur in the generation, open the input.txt file: change-
      oasis_world: 10
      oasis_world: 90
      to create more oasis type worlds....useful to see how your graphics is integrating.

      note: rocky type worlds not yet developed.
      trees on oasis worlds still need to be added...all in due course.
      ready to give it a shot?

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-02-27

      THX, I'll working on it, I'm ready... :)

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-02-28


      pls be little patient with me, I trying some research around non-square tiling (meaning smooth tiling) in Gimp/Photoshop. I have some expirience with square-tiling, but with hexes... If U have some ideas, pls tell me, but don't worry, I thing I'm able to find the way, temporally...

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-02

      Hey, man! These hexes doesn't nest together perfectly, I mean, the ladges of the hex aren't perfect mirror double, wich  makes wholes in contact line between hexes, or makes few overlaped pixels. Um... can I fix it at first? I mean, I can make new Hex with same dimensions, wich will match perfectly together with his doubles.... Then I try make one smooth terrain. But, I need know, from wich pixel U provide positioning, and what dimensions have their distance in program. Or, I can make one master hex and u can change it in program, if it'll be needed?

      eh, maybe, have U got any instant massenger for quicker info exchange? I have an ICQ and Jabber account...
      ICQ: 211727095

      THX for reply :)

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-02

      Fine. I send some first little work for you.

      1) correct plain hexes, work fine.
      2) few desert hexes, U'll see... pls tell me, if this is the way, or if is better try another texture...

      here we go:

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-02

      Hm. Perhaps we need resolve problem of scaling, when there are some wholes between pixels, if dimensions is different then 1:1 or 1:2. Is any way fox it with changes in resampling algorythm? If NOT, then I think only way is overlaping pixels, which mean, extend the hex in one side, top or bottom, or left or right, by one pixel, and these overlapping pixel would take the same RGB value. Is it correct?

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-03-05

      thanks for the first-shot. see ai_19_2 for your graphics integrated.
      note: i've added plains and forests to oasis worlds for you adjustments.
      adjusted dunes into your hill types.
      Note: you do not have to follow the strict Mount, hill, plain, sea... each of these terains names are just labels and can represent anything (eg: swamp on oasis worlds is green plaines, Mounts on lava worlds are volcano....etc). the reason i say this is that hills on desert worlds may be better replaced by sum kind of rocky outcrops, and mountains could become like Texas/Arizona desert rises, eg- i found a picture at:
      or perhaps more alien type outcrop of rocks.

      yes the hexes are not symmetrical, but they do fit, and are slightly overlapped. the reason i use this is that i think they can be more artistic, rather than overly mathematical if placed in symmetrical rows

      the projection of the hexes may well be considered Dimetric


    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-06

      Hi Brodie!
      I've got some new ideas: Um... can I try use some surfaces from Google earth? 'cause i feel still these textures little unreal. I spent some time with google earth, and... I think my first shot with some DC photos isn't enough real.
      Is possible let the game engine subsume some 3hex and 7hex blocks between default one-hex blocks? I mean, there are few typical situations, where could be better use few larger blocks then single ones, typically mountains or large deserts, or big craters in moon-like worlds, 'cause ours maps are far bigger, then these from EFS, and large fields with mountains look little - e - constructed-by-machine. So, if we could place there few bigger pieces... If I'll use for it standart smooth-tiling hexes, and... enough. OK, I'll make some sample for U and I'll send it here. My english is maybe little infant for explaining this, but I can show it.
      Stand by.

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-03-09

      hmmm...i don't like the idea of google surfaces, quite apart from the copyrite issues, i dont see google earth picture as that inspiring.

      most science fiction is potrayed in drawings,
      i.e i found these from a quick google image search:
      or the dune lanscape at:

      the idea of using earth images on alien worlds is missing the point.

      ad-infinitum dos not need the best graphics, just images that add atmosphere.

      adding 3hex+ is doable, but i will not go there untill the project is near completion. reasons:
      1) it takes time to program
      2) i'm having problems doing all the 1 hex, so why build larger tiles now?
      3) it wont add that much to the current graphics.
      4) compared to many other hex based games, ad-infinitum's hexes are quite large

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-10

      Um - can I send U for preview my las work - unfortunatelly made from Google earth shots - or it's in vain, and I should blast my last work...? Yes, I understund, the atmosphere is more important then earth realistic, but I just tried my best idea for desert feeling in the moment, so sorry. Pls tell me, if U'll want see how it's looks, or if don't, till I'll do next move.

      Little question: I saw, then U have used coast hexes between normal and dune field in desert. It's right, or bug? Meaning, if I need make some special desert plain-to-dune coast hexes...


    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-03-10

      yes, send.

      no, not a bug. i use the coast to overlap the hexes, smother that way. i was just testing the idea
      i may correct the problem of hex borders to different coloured terrain by getting the program to draw the world hexes in phases: first all sea hexes are drawn, then all world's plains are drawn, then all hills, then all mounts. this would allow the use of borders to overlap on the lower terrains. Each terrain hex would need a cost line, but this could be drawn on the exterior regions of the hex tiles.

      can i ask you to look into drawing vacuum type buildings (for moon, lava, exotic...), these worlds are looking a bit behind without structures. one type for all showed do, to start with.

    • Radek Novak

      Radek Novak - 2008-03-10

      hi. this was my work from G.E.

      So say what do you mean...

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-03-18

      hi, i don't seem to be able to download Second-desert....
      did you get my emails to your: address?
      my email is:


      the [dot] is a .

      i write like so to avoid spam via robots.

      send the pictures directly thereto.

    • paper_wad

      paper_wad - 2008-07-11

      New hills for the green planet. You can view them here:

      I also got rid of a slight pink fringe that appeared around the base of the old ones as a bonus.


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