BrodieBrodie - 2008-02-14

notes on the rules of combat on Capital

combat is technically illegal on capital. However, as with all laws, these may be broken.

the law of non engagement is policed by the High Steward (Neutral), players may get away with attacking other players if they are not seen. What this translates to is that the High Steward will have a scattered force of randomly moving "police officers". if these officers are not about, engagement will be possible. once engagement starts, the closest police officer will rush to the seen to catch the attacking party. if the attacking party does not stop before the police arrive, he or she will be fined (level of fine depends on damage caused), and if he/she continues regardless, the High Steward will declare war on him/her (he has a powerful force on capital that will be used for this effect). If the player stops before the police arrive, an "investigation" will be launched that has a good chance of never finding (or proving) the culprit. This investigation will take time and its chances of success depend on the damage caused and type of units used in the attack. Note: certain unites will have better chance of evading detection (eg stealth trained units and snipers in town hexes), where as others will be more obvious (eg artilery, tanks). Space ship bombardment will be instantly detected and any infringement will be enforce by the High Steward's powerful orbital battle station with immediate effect.

Once a player declares himself as emperor, or the aliens land on Capital, or the Republic attacks, the High Steward will call all his police officers to barracks and use the battle station only to attack Aliens, The Republic, or in defense against attacking players. The law is technically still in place, only no longer policed...