
AChecker 1.0 Released

June 5, 2009

AChecker is a free Open Source Web Content Accessibility Checker. Web content authors, webmasters, application developers, and others who create content for the Web can use AChecker to ensure the information they post will be accessible to everyone.

*Check the Accessibility of your Web site at*

*Download AChecker*

*Find Help and Participate in the AChecker Community*

*AChecker Features*
*Web Accessibility Checker*
Check accessibility against standards including WCAG 1.0 & 2.0, BITV, Stanca, and Section 508.
Login to save evaluation results.
Generate a conformance seal to add to your Web site.
Link the seal back to the original evaluation.
Use the linked seal to monitor accessibility of pages as their content changes

*Guideline Manager*
View or edit existing standard accessibility guidelines
Add new accessibility checks to guidelines
Create custom accessibility guidelines

*Checks Manager*
More than 260 standard accessibility checks
View or edit existing accessibility checks
Create new accessibility checks

*User Manager*
Manage users and groups of users
Create groups to perform various AChecker tasks

Manage AChecker in any number of languages
Translate AChecker into any language
Import and Export language packs

*Developer Features*
Web services API, for programming accessibility checking into Web authoring tools
Public source code repository

Thanks go to the Ontario Government's Enabling Change Program for its support of this project. AChecker is being developed by the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the University of Toronto.

*Please redistribute this News Release broadly*

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-06-05

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