
ACal Web Calendar / News: Recent posts

Project Officially Discontinued

I am sad and yet pleased to announce that officially, the ACal Project is dead, discontinued, null.

There is only one reason for it which can be summed up in one word, which is lack. Lack of time, motivation, effort, need, etc.

The code is open for anyone to take, use, and even continue. The latest code in the SVN repository is in the public domain.

For more information, contact me. artooro.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2007-06-30

ACal 2.2.6 Released

ACal 2.2.6 has been released. This update fixes two security holes reported by Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu.

I was going to wait for the 4.0 release bug decided to patch the 2.2.x series instead to suffice until 4.0 is ready for release.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2006-03-05

Security Advisory for ACal 2.x

There is a critical security bug in ACal 2.2.5 as described in

As developer I've known about this for some time but never had the urge to fix it.
For now I advise you to either use the solution Secunia provides, wait for ACal 4.0 Alpha 1, or use the current ACal 3.x release.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2006-03-02

ACal 3.0 Alpha 3 Released

We have released ACal 3.0 alpha 3. There shouldn't be many bugs in this release but some areas are still incomplete. A new Mac OS X installer is available which allows you to install the calendar on OS X by simply going through an installer. It includes PHP 5 which is installed automatically if needed. There are many bug fixes in this release and event notifications have been worked on.

We really need your help to test this release, especially on Windows servers. Event notifications (alarms) needs testing on Windows to make sure it works.... read more

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2005-05-24

ACal 3.0 Alpha 2 Released

ACal 3.0 Alpha 2 has been released. This release is based on timing more than anything else. There are three bugs I know of at the top of my head. Other things are still incomplete and the web interface requires Firefox (Gecko) or WebCore (Safari). Major new features include Users and Groups, Time zone support, localization, and configuration.

There are of course many bug fixes as well but another new thing is the introduction of a new Mac OS X installer package. This package will install the calendar and automatically install PHP 5 as well if needed. Of course you can choose to disable it.
We can expect the first beta release in another month.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2005-05-07

ACal 2.2.5 Released

ACal 2.2.5 has been released today. This is quick bug fix release. It fixes some bugs that have been reported in the help forum since the previous release.
One bug fixed is the bug where you could not open the events manager. And there is also a small grammer fix.

Meanwhile much work is going into the soon to be released ACal 3.0 Alpha 2. Stay tuned for more on that.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2005-04-26

ACal 3.0 Alpha 1 Released

The ACal Project is proud to release alpha 1 of the upcoming ACal 3.0 release. This is a development release and is very incomplete in some areas or plain buggy in others. It is not recommended for production purposes and it is very likely that future releases will break it.
The main purpose of this release is to show that work is being done, and to have something you can try out and see what future releases may be like.
With this release you can add/edit/delete events. There is some support for event notifications. Support for SQLite and MySQL for database backend. And many more features.
But there are also many problems. If you are looking for something stable try version 2.2.4, or wait a month or so for a more stable version 3 release.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2005-04-08

Project Update

ACal 3.0 is going through mid development right now. It is looking great though and while we did miss the February target we will get an Alpha release out in the coming weeks or even days.

ACal 3.0 will have all kinds of neat new features which will blow all the other web based calendar apps away. Event notifications via email or on the web site, support for MySQL, SQLite, and other databases, really simple event management, yet not limited.... read more

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2005-03-01

ACal 2.2.4 Released

Today the ACal Project released version 2.2.4 which fixes some bugs. This will most likely be the last release before ACal 3.0.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-11-28

ACal Development Update

This news post is meant to update you on the development on this web based calendar project as of 2004-11-13. Work on ACal 2.3 has halted. Instead I've been working on a CMS which is going to be used for ACal 3.0. This CMS will be ready for use around February 2005 and at that time it will be modified and will use a rewritten calendar module. It will have support for localizations and many new features requested and of course be a lot more stable. ACal 2.x is still supported until then and one more maintenance release is expected this year. Another thing that may be of interest it that it's going to require SQLite (Which is a flat file SQL database system) and PHP 5. Support for PHP 4 may come later if possible. The reason for this is SQLite comes installed by default with PHP 5.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-11-14

ACal 2.2.3 - 3.0

ACal 2.2.3 will be coming this week and will fix some bugs.
This is the end of the 2.x releases. All future 2.x releases will be for bug fixes only and will not contain any new features.

The calendar is once again going to be rewritten so that the code is easier to work with. It's going to use an SQL flat file database (SQLite) and be more object oriented.
It will also be included in MachCMS as a module and integrated with a Weblog. All of these projects are just starting to take shape.... read more

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-10-27

ACal 2.2.2 Released

ACal is a web based event calendar that does not require a database server. It is made to be easy to install and to be able to run on just about any typical ISP's server with PHP installed.

ACal 2.2.2 was released to fix two bugs. First of all a bug when clicking on single digit days in the month view to get into the day view and second, a bug where after installing you can login with a blank username and password. More details in the release notes.... read more

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-09-09

ACal 2.2 Released

The ACal calendar is now one step further towards being a full featured but yet easy to use web based event calendar. Embedding has been overhauled in this release and you can embed the day view. Events can now recur monthly or weekly as well. You can have multiple users and there is support for older versions of PHP.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-08-30

ACal 2.1.2 Embedding Fix

If you are trying to embed ACal 2.1.2 you may be getting errors, again. The fix for it is easy. Just download and put the month.php file into the embed folder inside your calendar folder. Remove the old one first.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-08-10

ACal 2.1.2

Another minor update to fix some bugs in ACal 2.1. In this release two bugs are fixed. A bug when you remove an event from the day view has been fixed, and embedding works again. You can not embed the day view yet, that will be in version 2.2. And there are no new features.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-08-09

ACal 2.1.1 Released

ACal 2.1.1 has been released. This is a minor bug fix release that fixes two bugs.
One in the day view and one in the month view.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-08-05

ACal 2.1 Released

The ACal Project has finally released ACal 2.1! This has been a rather interesting release since a beta of it has been put out three times and each time a critical bug found and so it was pulled back. But everything should be working now and this release fixes many issues people have been having. There's the day planner, better login, new installer, better event admin, GMT support, support for unlimited years, better support for browsers, and more.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-08-02

ACal 2.1 Beta

ACal 2.1 Beta was released today. This release has many fixes and new features added since 2.0.

It was pulled back though due to many problems with the installer. When these problems have been fixed it will be once again available.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-07-20

ACal 2.0 Released!

The ACal Project is excited to be finally releasing ACal 2.0! This is a major leap from the previous 1.x code, in fact it's a whole new calendar rewritten from top to bottom. Some things we have just added include the ability to add, remove, and edit any event. You can have images in your events. You can easily embed your calendar using PHP, the new layout scales a lot better. Customizing your calendar is as easy as logging into admin and using some admin features. And the list could go on. So if you're using ACal 1.8.2 or anything released previously, try out this new release! And we encourage you to send us your feedback since it is crucial to developing good software.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-07-06

ACal 2.0 Release Candidate 2

ACal 2.0 Release Candidate 2 is now available! This should be the final testing release for version 2.0. Early next month we'll be releasing the final. RC-2 should be gold master quality but we would like about 70 people to download and try it out before we release the final. So try it out! And talk about it in the forums.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-06-30

First Release Candidate for v2.0

The first release candidate has been released for ACal 2.0! This release included bug fixes and the web installer has many improvements such as the upgrade function is now functional. The next and hopefully final release candidate will include more years, fixes, and a complete manual.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-06-23

New Beta, version 2.0

ACal 2.0 Beta-2 is now available! This release has many improvements over Beta-1, which was labelled as version 1.9.
It's not quite ready for a final release but there are no known bugs and we basically just want all the feedback possible. Any bugs will be fixed and a feature or two may be added before ACal 2.0 Final.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-06-18

ACal 1.9 Coming

ACal 1.9 will be released sometime this month. This version will use the cal2 code base and will not be stable. This will be a testing release and should only be used by people who want to try it out and test it. If you do install it please submit feedback so we can make it better.
More info to come.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-05-10

ACal 1.8.2

ACal 1.8.2 has been released. This is a quick update that fixes a few bugs introduced in the previous release.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-04-12

ACal 1.8.1

Version 1.8.1 is available. View the Features page on the ACal web site for more info.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-04-11