
JEditor / News: Recent posts

Version 1.2.24 released

Add a getLineOfOffset method in the SyntaxDocument (as it exists in the JEditor class) to get the line of an offset in the document
Call only one method when calling replaceText in the JEditor
Add a DefaultDiffEngine to get a not graphical diff between two texts

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-07-19

Version 1.2.23 released

Add a setSyntax(String) method in the JEditor class
Fix the constructor of the CodeEditorDefaults using a CodeEditorDefaults as argument not initializing the input handler
Fix the constructor of the CodeEditorDefaults using a CodeEditorDefaults as argument using some colors and fonts as references
Fix the number of rows wrongly setting the height of the editor to one less row than necessary
Add the gutterExpandable property for the defaults

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-07-09

Version 1.2.22 released

Change the showInContext method in the AbstractContextEditorPopup to pass the start and end of the selection
Add an insertText method to insert a text
Add a replaceText method to replace a text

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-06-24

Version 1.2.21 released

Fix cases where JEditor.setText(String) would lead to an exception

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-06-18

Version 1.2.20 released

Handle correctly the editor state for an undo or a redo

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-06-14

Version 1.2.19 released

Add the samples in the source distribution
Fix some cases where copy from clipboard would not work
Add a method in the JEditor to update the defaults if the CodeEditorDefaults used for the JEditor has been modified
Add the BIND keyword in SPARQL

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-06-12

Version 1.2.18 released

Recognize lower-case SPARQL keywords
Handle comments in SPARQL

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-06-10

Version 1.2.17 released

Fix the position of the Caret after a text removal

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-05-26

Version 1.2.16 released

Initialize the search text to the selected text if the CTRL-F Search option is called when selecting some text
Use docJGenerator
Add an abstract popup class which is aware of the line and column of the right-click

Posted by Hervé Girod 2024-04-27

Version 1.2.15 released

Fix the caret no being advanced, it is now correctly advanced when typing a character, adding a break, or adding a tab
Add the alternate name py for python scripts
Add a first version of the turtle syntax

Posted by Hervé Girod 2023-07-23

Version 1.2.14 released

Switch to git
Protect against an exception if the caret selection is invalid when trying to highlight text in the editor

Posted by Hervé Girod 2023-07-01

Version 1.2.13 released

Add alternate names for some syntaxes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2022-12-13

Version 1.2.12 released

Add alternate names for the shell and tsql syntaxes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2022-10-29

Version 1.2.11 released

Add alternate names for the javascript, c, batch, idl, sql, and xml syntaxes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2022-10-14

Version 1.2.10 released

Add alternate names for some syntaxes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2022-10-14

Version 1.2.9 released

Protect the SyntaxTokenizer (which returns a StyledDocument) against cases where a Segment length is less than the Token length, or the Token length is -1

Posted by Hervé Girod 2021-08-28

Version 1.2.8 released

The Diff algorithm is now able to perform a diff on a String using the full Diff algorithm
There is now two modes to show differences between lines: character by character or by performing a diff inside the line
Separate some internal classes used in the diff package

Posted by Hervé Girod 2021-04-05

Version 1.2.7 released

Use docJGenerator
Allow to show a diff between two text files with partial diffs between lines (differences within lines)

Posted by Hervé Girod 2021-04-05

Version 1.2.6 released

Fix some cases where a NPE could be thrown in cases where the parents container hierarchy have been modified and there are no internal scrollbars anymore

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-04-09

Version 1.2.5 released

Add a handleChangeWidth method in the GutterHandler interface to be notified when the gutter width has changed
Fix the setGutterWidth method not changing the collapsed state of the Gutter

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-03-04

Version 1.2.4 released

Fix the behavior of the JEditor component in scroll panes in some cases. There is still work to do to make it work in all cases
Add a setText(File) method to the JEditor
Add a method in the SyntaxMapper to get a syntax for a file
Add an EditorExceptionListener which allows the JEditor to fire these specific listeners when encountering an exception

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-19

Version 1.2.3 released

Add a removeHighlight method in the CodeEditorHighlighter class
Improve wiki

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-13

Version 1.2.2 released

Remove the testutils xml files from the Jar files which were added by mistake. Note for users of the previous version: this had no effect on the functionality of the library.

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-06

Version 1.2.1 released

Add the gvy, gy, and gsh extensions for groovy scripts
Fix the possible extensions for fortran files
Add the cc and hpp extensions for C++ files

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-01-04

Version 1.2 released

Use docJGenerator
Add easy access to undo/redo in the JEditor
Add the undo and redo buttons in the JAppEditor

Posted by Hervé Girod 2019-12-21