
Calizo / News: Recent posts

Calizo 0.2.5 released!

This release improves selection, display, and report for multiple events.



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-12-30

Calizo 0.2.4 released!

This is a bugfix release removing a severe bug (in 0.2.3), which hindered deltion of events.
Please update, especially if you installed Calizo-0.2.3!



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-10-18

Calizo 0.2.3 released!

This is a service release providing minor GUI improvements.



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-10-04

Calizo 0.2.2 released!

This is a service release after a code redesign and slightly improved performance.



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-06-19

Calizo 0.2.1 released!

This release features a toolbar and improved context menus. Thereby using calizo becomes more efficient and even more fun!



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-04-06

Calizo-0.2.1-testing features Toolbar

The win32-testing release now provides a Toolbar. It is also in current SVN Head for those who want to compile it themselves. Not yet tested on Linux. But as only the toolbar has been added, everthing else should be as stable as 0.2.0 release.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-04-03

Calizo 0.2.0 released!

This release provides a code redesign and comes with increased performance, more complete documentation, and the ability to move/translate events in time.



Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-02-18

Calizo sources now in Subversion

Calizo sources are now handled by a subversion repository. Code redesign thereby was finished with renaming and reorganizing files and folders. Pretty and clean, Calizo sources are now ready for the soon coming 0.2.0 release and the upcoming road...

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-02-14

Preview Release for Windows!

Preview release for Calizo 0.2.0 is downloadable from testing releases (pick 0.1.9-testing). A large code redesign has brought performance increases. A new feature is moving events by right mouse button drag (or left + alt + shift). Please report on bugs and experiences.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-02-11

Code redesign in the works

Performance issues on Linux/wxGTK made a code redesign necessary. This will also largely improve performance on Windows. Stay tuned - while the next release might not include new features, it will boost your Calizo experience by faster gui responses!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-02-06

Calizo 0.1.6 released!

This release allows report generation and export in HTML or plain text for a group of selected events.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-01-17

Calizo 0.1.5 released!

Calizo now provides an integrated online help!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2008-01-05

Calizo 0.1.4 released!

Calizo now has beside English and German also a complete Russian translation! Russian translation was provided by Ivan Belousov - thank you Ivan!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-12-22

Calizo 0.1.3 released!

This release features Windows-Installer improvements and includes a complete translation for German.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-12-17

Calizo 0.1.2 released!

This release features a Windows-Installer and includes more complete translations.

If you like to contribute a translation in another language, you are very welcome!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-12-10

New Calizo release with i18n!

This release brings internationalization support: Beside English, there is now a German and thanks to Ivan Belousov also a Russian translation of Calizo.

If you like to contribute a translation in another language, you are very welcome!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-11-30

Calizo 0.1.0 released!

This release brings many performance improvements and bug fixes, as well as new features like nonlinear mapping of the timeline, event descriptions, cross-application copy and paste, an unseparated view option, and gedcom import.

Binary for Ubuntu and Win32, as well as source-zip included. Mac binary pending - feel free to contribute a binary...

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-10-21

New features released!

Current win32 testing release dating from 071014 (which is what you should prefer over 0.0.10) features a first preview of nonlinear mapping and the possibility to display calendars unseperated.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-10-14

Updated Preview Release!

Please find an updated 0.1.0pre release in the download section. Features performance and precision improvements! Please prefer this over downloading the old 0.0.10 release. And report on bugs, please.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-09-27

Preview Release for Windows

Preview release for Calizo 0.1.0 is downloadable from testing releases. New feature added: GEDCOM 5.5 import! Choose "Append" and switch file type to "*.ged". Please report on bugs and experiences with GEDCOM import. And vertical scrolling works again!

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-09-25

Bug fixes in CVS

Vertical scrolling works again since today, bug-fix in CVS. Startup problems for ubuntu gutsy, wxWidgets-2.8.4 fixed.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-09-23

Calizo 0.0.10 released

This new release features relative links and thereby (and by some fixes on Linux) improves the ability of Calizo to supplement your file browsing experience imense!

Binary for Ubuntu and Win32, as well as source-zip included.
Mac binary pending - feel free to contribute a binary, or to donate mac hardware if you like ;-)

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-06-25

Relative Links in CVS

A new feature, relative links (relative to the localtion the ics file is saved) is available in CVS version. Also following link has improved (opeing a website with default browser, opening a folder with default file-browser and opening a file with default application).
These features are planed to be included in the next release hopefully finished before 10th Juli.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-06-22

Calizo 0.0.9 for Windows update

Windows build for 0.0.9 has been updated to save files in UTF8 format. Please find the newer version at the download page.

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-05-29

Calizo 0.0.9 for Windows released

This build is an unicode build! You need WinNT, Win2K, WinXP or newer...
If you need a Win98 build please ask for it...

Posted by Sebastian Fischer 2007-05-29