
Wicked Shell / News: Recent posts

Wicked Shell 2.0.4 released

Release 2.0.4 of Wicked Shell out now. It contains the following enhancements:

- Unregistering the primary shell view corrected
- J2SE-1.5 compliance (Java 5 required now)
- XML libraries reorganized to avoid class loader problems

Posted by S. Reichert 2008-06-09

Wicked Shell 2.0.3 released

Release 2.0.3 of Wicked Shell out now. It contains the following enhancements:

- Secured loading of the stored Wicked Shell configuration (auto reset on error)
- Provide confirmation dialog on closing of a detached ShellView (Bugfix 1745173)
- "Add static completion" corrected (Bugfix 1772183)
- Open console for resource (files) (Feature Request 1778454)
- Provide selection for shell when multiple shells are open (Feature Request 1779965 & 1560429)
- List of supported OSes corrected (Unix (like) OSes removed, Windows Server 2003 added)

Posted by S. Reichert 2008-06-02

Wicked Shell 2.0.2 released

Release 2.0.2 of Wicked Shell out now. It contains the following enhancements:

- Im- and Export static completion enabled
- Custom ShellDescriptors introduced (Feature
Request 1568006, Feature Request 1512102)
- Eclipse 3.3 compatibility restored (Bugfix 1672388)
- Convenient cursor behaviour (Feature Request 1733295)

Posted by S. Reichert 2007-06-15

Wicked Shell 2.0.1 released

Release 2.0.1 of Wicked Shell out now. It contains the following enhancements:

- System path completions entries corrected (Bugfix 1587183)
- ShellView can be renamed (FeatureRequest 1610983)
- Color settings corrected (Bugfix 1593473)
- Linux ShellDescriptor fixed (Bugfix 1674517)
- Use the entered installation path for executable invocation (Bugfix 1638098)
- Allow invocation of an external shell via shortcut or command extension (Feature Request 1599616)
- Avoid Exception on wrong line delimiter (Bugfix 1606478)
- Correct the handling of the character encoding (Bugfix 1587755)
- 'Change to Folder' corrected (Bugfix 1589856)
- Eclipse 3.3 M6 compatibility restored (Bugfix 1672388)
- Added 'Active Shell' Submenu to Shell View's Menu Bar

Posted by S. Reichert 2007-04-29

Wicked Shell Release 2.0.0 released

Wicked Shell release 2.0.0 out now.

It contains the following enhancements:

- Extension Point provided for definition
of Shell descriptors
- Shell dependant management of Batch Files
- Introduced org.apache.xmlbeans to substitute
object serialisation
- Splitted shell facade (IShellFacade) and UI
(IShellViewer), Wicked Shell can now be used
as component

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-10-31

Wicked Shell Mailing List available

Hi everyone,
the Wicked Shell Mailling List for users is available now. If you have any questions or annotations to whatever Wicked Shell related topic - Simply subscribe!

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-10-26

New Version 1.4.0 available

Get the latest version 1.4.0 of WickedShell.

It contains the following enhancements:

- Allow customizing foreground color, background color and
font at the preferences page (Feature Request 1498053)
- Introduced actions for stop, restart and clear shell in
the toolbar
- Add completion for cascading folder and file parts in
commands (e.g. cd temp/foo/b)
- Allow parameter definition for listed Batch Files
(Feature Request 1533273)
- Allow keeping the history of executed commands
- Allow multiple Shells

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-08-11

New Version 1.3.0 available

Get the latest version 1.3.0 of Wicked Shell.

It contains the following enhancements:

- Refactored SystemShell handling
- Shell Input handling improved
- <Processing command: ...> removed
- Allow user interaction (necessary at copy or rmdir for example)
- Encapsulated Shell defininition to allow different Shells to be provided
- Added support for Cygwin bash.exe
- Added support for MSYS sh.exe

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-05-26

New Version 1.2.0 available

Get the latest version 1.2.0 of Wicked Shell.

It contains the following enhancements:

- New icons introduced
- Enviromental values for command completion
- Navigator/Package Explorer integration

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-04-09

New version available

Wicked Shell 1.1.0 is out now. It comes with arrow up/down functionality, an error display and a preferences page for customizing the shell's command completion.

Posted by S. Reichert 2006-04-01