
Wicked Shell 2.0.1 released

Release 2.0.1 of Wicked Shell out now. It contains the following enhancements:

- System path completions entries corrected (Bugfix 1587183)
- ShellView can be renamed (FeatureRequest 1610983)
- Color settings corrected (Bugfix 1593473)
- Linux ShellDescriptor fixed (Bugfix 1674517)
- Use the entered installation path for executable invocation (Bugfix 1638098)
- Allow invocation of an external shell via shortcut or command extension (Feature Request 1599616)
- Avoid Exception on wrong line delimiter (Bugfix 1606478)
- Correct the handling of the character encoding (Bugfix 1587755)
- 'Change to Folder' corrected (Bugfix 1589856)
- Eclipse 3.3 M6 compatibility restored (Bugfix 1672388)
- Added 'Active Shell' Submenu to Shell View's Menu Bar

Posted by S. Reichert 2007-04-29

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