
RavenCore Control Panel / News: Recent posts

RavenCore v0.1.0 released

RavenCore is a Hosting Control Panel for Linux, an Open Source project that aims to rival expensive commercial products such as Plesk and CPanel.

Many things have been added since v0.0.6, which is part of the reason for the version jump to v0.1.0 . Major things of notice in this release:

* Added Language pack support
* Added Amavisd support, for better control over spamassassin and clamav
* Added support for ProFTPD server
* Improved handling of configuration files, which also adds the ability for RavenCore to restore your system to its previous configuration since its install, when RavenCore is uninstalled.... read more

Posted by Corey 2006-01-14

RavenCore 0.0.6 released

Hello all,

After a 3 month hiatus on RavenCore due to a new addition to my family ( a bouncing baby boy ), I'm back and ready to get crakin on the code. There is no greater way in my mind to end this year then with a new release, and a very Merry Christmas. See our download page for the link to download from a mirror.

This version of RavenCore contains mostly bug fixes of problems found since the last release. It also has a few more configuration options, is easier to get working on the non-redhat distributions, and there is more output of what ravencore is doing when it is installing / upgrading. See the changelog for more details.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-12-25

RavenCore Hosting Control Panel - 0.0.5 released

Hello all, I finally got the 0.0.5 release of RavenCore out, which has a lot of changes on the back-end of things since the last release.

This version adds support for SuSE 9.x, but hasn't been extensively tested there yet, so please be mindful of that. If anything doesn't work right on your SuSE Linux system with RavenCore, please submit a bug report.

This release contains better support for Debian, as many of the bugs have been fixed. There are still some problems that can happen, depending on how customized your Debian system is, and we're working on the things which were not yet completed for this release.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-09-10

RavenCore Version 0.0.4 released

I am pleased to announce the release of RavenCore version 0.0.4, which is mostly a bugfix release. This release works on all previously supported systems, and also now installs cleanly and works on two more: Mandrake 10 and Debian 3.

I have not yet had a chance to get my hands on a SuSE Linux box, but I am pretty sure RavenCore will work on that system. You are welcome to try to install it and submit any problems to either the tracker for this project or the forums on this website.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-08-21

RavenCore 0.0.3 released, more distributions supported

I am pleased to annouce the release of RavenCore version 0.0.3, which contains the ability to support a wider range of linux distributions. These distros include: Fedora Core 1 through 4, RedHat Enterprise 3 & 4 ( as well as clones, such as CentOS ), Ubuntu Linux, and Trustix Secure Linux (TSL).

I am also quite confident that RavenCore will work on Debian as well ( since Ubuntu is Debian based ), but I have not had a chance to get my hands on a server with Debian installed. RavenCore will also work with Mandrake 10, but some manual tweaking needs to be done.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-08-08

RavenCore Version 0.0.2 Relased

After two weeks of use, some bug reports and feature requests have come in. RavenCore Version 0.0.2 is a bugfix / feature addition release. The changes can be viewed here.

Many thanks to those who have so far posted to the fourms, sent me emails, and made donations!

RavenCore Administrator

Posted by Corey 2005-07-30

RavenCore Released!

Due to popular demand ( almost daily emails from new site visitors ) I have put up the first official release of the RavenCore Hosting Control Panel. Please visit our Download page for a link to the site hosting the files.

I apologize for the lack of documentation for this project, I will get that on this website as soon as I can, as users start to ask questions. Please post any comments / suggestions / requests for help to the forum on this website. I will do my best to answer in a timely manner.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-07-16

Postfix added to RavenCore - first release almost ready

Hello again, everyone. Sorry for waiting so long before giving another update, but I have had no time at all until recintly to work on RavenCore. A wife, kid, and a job can do that to you. Anyway, I have made several updates and bug fixes, and have done a lot of revamping of the database. Hopefully this will support future additions to the control panel with no changes needed to the database setup, and to allow for easier upgrades.... read more

Posted by Corey 2005-04-18

Demo Available - RavenCore Hosting Control Panel

Already ahead of schedule, the administrator login is now available in the demo. Please note that since this is a demo, nothing on the server will actually be affected, but most of the interface functionality is there for you to see.

Please visit the site demo page for further details:

The RavenCore Team

Posted by Corey 2005-01-03