
RavenCore Hosting Control Panel - 0.0.5 released

Hello all, I finally got the 0.0.5 release of RavenCore out, which has a lot of changes on the back-end of things since the last release.

This version adds support for SuSE 9.x, but hasn't been extensively tested there yet, so please be mindful of that. If anything doesn't work right on your SuSE Linux system with RavenCore, please submit a bug report.

This release contains better support for Debian, as many of the bugs have been fixed. There are still some problems that can happen, depending on how customized your Debian system is, and we're working on the things which were not yet completed for this release.

This release also rebuilds system configuration files in a new way which allows for better module support. Another big thing to mention: the wrapper program has been improved and error handling for it has been made more understandable.

Finally, people who upgrade will see a lot of output about database checks when they start the control panel. This integrity check will add in the new columns to the database structure. It should all happen without error, but if there is a problem, please submit a bug report.

Thanks for all your participation so far!

RavenCore Administrator

Posted by Corey 2005-09-10

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