
Notepad++ v5 Beta

Don HO
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  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-06-15

    v5 beta is available here :

    Fixes and enhancements from v5 alpha:
    1. Fix the crash issue under Chinese/Korean/Japanese Windows environment.
    2. Fix go to line command line bug.
    3. Enhance Find in files and Find in all opened files features' performance.
    4. Fix dialog off screen problem under multi-monitor environment.
    5. Make smart highlight work only with mouse double clicked in order to improve the its performance.
    6. Fix all doc tab blink bug when Notepad++ is re-activated.
    7. Fix "replace with space" in GUI not be remembered bug.
    8. Fix HTML syntax highlighting is not applied in php, asp file bug.
    9. Add the smart highlight file size limit - 2 MB in order to improve the performance.

    For complete information about v5, refer to here :

    Notepad++ v5 beta may not be stable. Please let us know if you find any bug.


    • Sing

      Sing - 2008-06-16

      um.....actually, I don't think the bookmarks' look & feel are improved. The new version's bookmark is ugly. And it's style is not configurable anymore, right?

    • ZaKi

      ZaKi - 2008-06-16

      Thank you Don!
      Notepad++ is a great application! It helps me in work every day!
      v5 looks like work properly =)
      Thank you !!!

    • kRs

      kRs - 2008-06-16

      Hi, first of all, thanks for the new version!
      Then, i'd like to put to developers' attenction the following matter:

      I see that in np++ 5.0b this thing is still unchanged.. could you tell us whether it's the  wanted behaviour or a thing that will be changed/fixed?


    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2008-06-16

      I found a major bug: The compare algorithm isn't case insensitive!

      Example: If I open the file C:\Text.txt over command line and I do this again with c:\Text.txt the file will be opened two times. If I change the case on other position like C:\Text.txT a new file will be opened again. And so on and so on...

      Best Regards

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2008-06-16

      I would like to suggest a feature. So now we able to double click on a word to select it completly. I would like to see this feature also with CTRL and one mouse click. Is it possible or does this scintilla only?


    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-06-16

      About case sensitivity:
      you are completely right and it is pretty major, I'll fix it (strcmp vs strcmpi, one letter, big impact :P).

      As for the incremental search: it is a bug and it will be fixed aswell.

      • kRs

        kRs - 2008-06-16

        Thank you Harry, i've seen today svn has been quite busy :)

      • Florin C Bodin

        Florin C Bodin - 2008-06-16


        There is another bug, diacritics can no be typed. I tryed "ăîşţâ" and they are becomming "î_câ", so this can not be used yet to traslate langunage files.

    • TheDutchJewel

      TheDutchJewel - 2008-06-16

      I hoped the key combo Ctrl+X bug was also fixed, but it is not. Read more about this problem here:

      The only working solution now is to remove the NPPTextFX.dll. Maybe that DLL needs to be updated too? Anyway I hope this problem will be fixed soon.

      • Greg Bullock

        Greg Bullock - 2008-06-16

        I was able to work around a possibly-related problem involving <Ctrl-X> (or <Ctrl-C>) and NppTextFX by turning off

        TextFX: TextFX Viz Settings...: Viz Capture Keyboard Ctrl-C,X,V


    • kjsmithtx

      kjsmithtx - 2008-06-16

      When opening a file, select is enabled such that any movement of the cursor using keyboard selects text.  Once you click anywhere in the document, the select is disabled.

    • TheDutchJewel

      TheDutchJewel - 2008-06-16

      When I open a text file AND press Ctrl+End, or if I change from one opened file to another AND press Ctrl+End all text is selected. Only after clicking somewhere in the text the selection is undone and the combo works as it should be in that opened file.

    • Dennis Rasey

      Dennis Rasey - 2008-06-18


      When restoring from a "Minimize to Sys Tray", NPP is not in the foreground. 4.9.2 seems to behave as I was expecting ("un-minimize" brings NPP to foreground).


      • Florin C Bodin

        Florin C Bodin - 2008-06-18

        There is another bug, when I edit a php file and commit to cvs, after the file is upgraded and reloaded the sintax higlight is not working only if I cone the file and re-open manualy.

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2008-06-20

      Hello Harry,

      There is another problem for plugins. When notification NPPN_FILEOPENED or NPPN_FILECLOSED is send, I request for the actual selected document. It it isn't the new one insteed it points to the last shown document.

      I do the request with:
      ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX, 0, MAIN_VIEW);
      ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX, 0, MAIN_SUB);

      Please fix it.

      Best Regards

      • Harry

        Harry - 2008-06-21


        Notepad++ now can load documents without activating them, making loading multiple documents (especially at startup), somewhat faster.
        Its even better on shutdown. Because of this, the current document doesnt always match the opened document.
        Instead, would it be a solution, if these NPPM_ messages were to have some extra data specifiying the filename? Or otherwise some index
        where the file can be found? Don has to agree, but reverting the behaviour back to 4.9.2 undoes all the benefit.

    • Nelson

      Nelson - 2008-06-19

      Would be nice to have version 5 actually save the file extension of the file type I'm editing (or at least be an option in the preferences if a user wants to have this behavior).  If I create a new file in NPP and set the language to SQL and click save, give it a filename, I have to enter an extension or it'll save the file without the SQL extension.  Same for Normal text not saving as .txt, etc...

      Still slow opening fairly large files.  Just tried v5 Beta opening a 35MB file and didn't really notice any improvement over previous version 4.92.  I know some changes were done regarding the smart highlighting, but was anything done to do any sort of background file loading?  I would really hope this eventually becomes a higher priority on the improvement list.  There needs to be some way of opening a file and quickly displaying it's first 10 or so pages and then synchronously loading the rest of the document while allowing the user to actually work in NPP (pageup/pagedown/search, etc...) while it's background loading.  There could be a progress bar on the statusbar or some indicator that shows it's still loading (not completed yet).

      Not sure if anyone else has encountered errors when searching all open files.  I had a few files open and did a search all open files only to encounter several errors (sorry don't have them all written down).  Ended up having to click away several message boxes and re-starting NPP.

      Otherwise, looking great!!!  Thanks Don!

      • John Bowman

        John Bowman - 2008-06-19

        the 5beta of N++ does not seem to detect my user defined language (saved) which has multiple extensions (brs wbs) when called like notepad++.exe file.brs ...   It should see the extension and know that it is that language, it did in 4.92, but this seems to be a small glitch in 5.


        • Alexander Iljin

          Alexander Iljin - 2008-06-19

          I've got this bug, too. The highlighting restores to normal if you just press Ctrl+S to save to file right after opening it.

          • John Bowman

            John Bowman - 2008-06-19

            I tried the Ctrl+S workaround, but it did not work for me :( ...  I have to pick my language from the drop down menu everytime I start working on a new file.

    • beholder

      beholder - 2008-06-21

      Hello, Don,

      I know it is probably too late to propose a "new" feature for this beta, but I dearly miss the 3rd mouse button panning feature that is a standard component of for example Word, Writer, IE or Opera. (Especially Opera rules in implementation of this - smooth and fast). I consider this a bug - even poor old notepad.exe has this feature.

      BTW, I love the new caret!

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2008-06-21


      what can I say... We need the performace on startup and shutdown. I aggree with you. But we need the notifications if the document is finally opened and before it was opened. Many plugins expected this notifications. If you change such a big thing, you need a concept to support all old messages or find a new concept.

      What I don't like in the current implemented Notepad++ concept:
      You need everytime to request for opened files when the count of files is changed.

      What we can change:
      1. We need to implement a new message that sends all opened files as a broadcast. It contains the states of the full names, the positions and states (dirty, readonly). The information are readonly (const). This notification will be send every time when to user changes the file order or the state or something other.
      2. Similar to this we can implement a notification for the current focused scintilla.

      The first notification can be send as a NPPN_FILEBEFORE_XXX and NPPN_FILE_XXX. IMO this is possible to implement in Notepad, because Notepad know at anytime which files are opened or closed in next state.

      Best Regards

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2008-06-22

      It's me again ;)

      What a user misses in forum:
      He tries to open a file and the especially user defined language should be set. Normally you can define the extension with the Styler Configurator and it works perfectly. But he is facing to a problem now. Because of a script the extension changes every time like:
      e01, e02, ... e27, ..., and so on.
      The feature to open the file with a user defined language over command line is not supported. I think we need to support this otherwise this feature leaks.

      Best Regards

    • beholder

      beholder - 2008-06-22

      I confirm the selection problem when you open txt file and press pgdn, the text is wrongly being selected.

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