Salsaman - 2008-05-14

As of release, it is possible to monitor LiVES remotely in real time.

To enable this, first of all an OSC command socket must be opened in LiVES. This can be done via the GUI in Tools/Networking&Streaming,
or by starting up LiVES with an osc port, e.g.

lives -oscstart 9999

Following this, you can send a message in OSC format:
/lives/open_notify_socket <port>

where <port> is the number of a UDP port to use for the notifications. The sendOSC tool included with LiVES can be used for this, e.g.:

sendOSC -h localhost 9999

/lives/open_notify_socket 9998


Notification messages are sent in real time on the requested UDP port. Currently only one notification port is supported.

The messages which are sent are listed in lives/src/osc_notify.h

These are currently:

define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_FRAME_SYNCH 1 // sent when a frame is displayed

define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_PLAYBACK_STARTED 2 // sent when a/v playback starts or clip is switched

define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_PLAYBACK_STOPPED 3 // sent when a/v playback ends

define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_QUIT 64 // sent when app quits

define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_CLIP_OPENED 128 // TODO - msg_string starts with new clip number


define LIVES_OSC_NOTIFY_CLIPSET_OPENED 1024 //msg_string starts with setname


In future there may be more data following the message number (for example, the clip number allocated to a newly opened clip). For now only the set name is sent following message 1024.

The set of messages is also likely to be increased in the future.

There is an example perl script which demonstrates this feature, which can be found in lives/tools/
