
Open documents in a new window

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi all,

    When opening documents from the Explorer right-click context menu, I would like them to show up in a new window.  I know that you can use -multiInst to create a new notepad instance, is there a specific registry key I can edit to add this?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I`m proud to present the Solution for you. :-))

      Copy and save the code below in a 'Notepad++MultiInst.reg' txt-file and doubleclick it.
      Now you have a right Click option 'Notepad++ multiInst.'.

      You can rename 'Notepad++ multiInst.' whatever you want.
      And you have to suit to your meet of the direction of the Notepad++ path.
      For me in German it is "C:\\Programme\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe"



      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Notepad++ multiInst.]
      @="Notepad++ multiInst."

      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Notepad++ multiInst.\command]
      @="C:\\Programme\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe -multiInst \"%1\""


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If you sue the 64 bit context menu, the option is added in. Else you have to download the 64 bit source and find the 32 bit build inside and use that (you have to replace nppcm.dll manually).
      Anyway, the option can be found here:
      Set Multi to a value of 1 and it will use the -multiInst parameter (no restart or anything required).
      You can also change the title of the menu item there.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      make a shortcut from notepad++ in your %UserProfile%\Sent to\ directory,
      right click - properties and paste behind the shortcut line "-multiInst" and save.
      that´s it.

      Look then for me in German:
      C:\Programme\Notepad++\notepad++.exe -multiInst

      Then right click to your file and go to Sent to and hit notepad++.

  • Sachin Shekhar

    Sachin Shekhar - 2013-02-26

    The easiest one: Create a blank text file named asNotepad.xml and place it in base program directory (same level as of notepad++.exe file).