
Runny Requests

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  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2007-06-08

    I think Runny (despite a name that reminds me of my nose, since I have a cold at the moment) has a ton of potential.  However, there are at least two things that are a major bummer for me:

    1) Can't edit the command!  I think when you click on the command, it's contents should be displayed for editing in the text boxes.  As it stands you have to delete it and start over.

    2) Can't pass arguments!  I'm trying to craft commands that use Cygwin tools, but I can't seem to pass any arguments.  I get an error that the command isn't found.  So far I can't find any way to quote the command that will fix this.

    Thanks for your work!  Totally love Launchy.


    • Geoff

      Geoff - 2007-06-29

      Sorry to be a pest, but any thoughts on these ideas?

    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-06-29

      im not sure but i believe you can pass arguments by pressing tab + the argument, and for the editing im not sure what you mean, when i select a result i can edit it, i just move my arrow keys a bit so not all the text is selected when i start typing...

    • Canyon Russell

      Canyon Russell - 2007-07-02

      I understand what gcaz is saying in #2. I am having the same problem.

      Here is my example:

      I make a Runny command
      Name: ed
      Execute: C:\Windows\Notepad.exe $1

      in the Launchy box I type

      It gives me
      ed | d:\Notes.txt

      When I hit enter I get the error
      Windows cannot find 'C:\Windows\Notepad.exe d:\notes.txt'. Make sure you typed the name correctly...

      If I type C:\Windows\Notepad.exe d:\Notes.txt into a cmd widow it opens as expected.
      Yes d:\Notes.txt already exists.

      Am I using the $1 feature of Runny incorrectly? When it says "With arguments" I assumed that this was the intended function. If not the Help should be clarified to better explain it's use.


    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-02

      ey guys, i found the bug and fixed it:

      i fixed this bug and another which prevented the use of quotes

      if this is working i might add the "edit" feature, and ill contact josh about the bug

      gl with it ;-)

      • Geoff

        Geoff - 2007-07-02

        Thanks for the update!

        I can get $1 to work with commands, but I can't set any flags.

        For example, If I want to run

        c:\cygwin\bin\curl -I $1

        I can't figure out a way to quote it (or not) that doesn't lead to an error that "c:\cygwin\bin\curl -I" cannot be found.

        Thanks for your work on this!


        • jiquera

          jiquera - 2007-07-02

          good point... i'll go fix that tomorrow :-)

    • Canyon Russell

      Canyon Russell - 2007-07-02

      You rock! Thanks for the update (and the one tomorrow).
      Launchy is great and I appreciate all your hard work on it.

    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-03

      oki i got it fixed, i also removed some icon sizes (128x128 et al)  since those are not used in launchy (i cut down the filesize by 2/3) and i added a version resource this is version 1.1 :P

      have fun with it

      bug reports are welcome


      • Persist

        Persist - 2007-07-04

        Working great!  Just a couple questions:

        1.  Was some debug code left in or am I losing it?  The version I just grabbed (1.1) after each execution of a runny command pops up and with dialogs to display the executable and then one for the parameters being passed.  Fortunately they seem correct so far and things are working but I didn't know if you intended to leave the debug functions active or not.

        2.  I haven't played around with Runny much, but how are the argument strings/tokens split into $1 $2 $3 etc?  Is it just by whitespace or is it alias TAB parameter $1 TAB parameter $2 TAB parameter $3?  The latter would be absolutely fabulous though I'm sure I could make due without. ;)

        Thanks so much for your work!


    • Josh

      Josh - 2007-07-03

      Thanks for fixing up Runny Jiquera!


    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-05

      that would indeed be some debug stuff, :P apologies, ill look into it asap and make a proper download link on my site so i can monitor you guys downloading ;) im a bit busy now so it may have to wait till after the weekend

      • Persist

        Persist - 2007-07-05

        Hehe, not a problem at all, just lettin' ya know.  No rush on the update.  Thanks again for the work you're putting in... Runny is really a key plugin for me.  Gonna try out your Mathy plugin for kicks. :)   


    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-05

      i guys i found a little time, didnt add features though just fixed the debug msgs and made a proper release on my site:

      @Persist: it splits by using <Tab> :)

      @all: feature requests are welcome

      have fun with it!

      • Geoff

        Geoff - 2007-07-05

        Thanks again for working on this -- I think it has tons of potential, especially with Cygwin tools and the like.

        (I grabbed download #1.  Is that like FIRST POST! or something?)

      • Persist

        Persist - 2007-07-05

        Wow, that was fast!  Thanks a bunch... awesome about the tabbing.  I'll be back with suggestions I'm sure. ;)



    • Geoff

      Geoff - 2007-07-05

      Oh, and how annoying is it when you quit Launchy to install the plugin, and then hit alt space to relaunch Launchy and you sit there confused for a moment when nothing happens. :)

    • Nick Parker

      Nick Parker - 2007-07-20

      I've noticed that when I attempt to run a command that I have defined within Runny that does not use variables I have to hit the tab key for it to execute the command correctly.  If I don't hit tab (because I don't have any additional parameters to pass to it), I get the following message:

      Windows cannot find 'mail'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.

      Is it possibly to allow Runny to execute the command I have without requiring tab to be pressed?  In the example, mail maps to a URL that I am trying to execute.

    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-23

      no thats not possible, you have to make clear to launchy that you are using the "mail" command and not just searching for the phrase "mail", you do that by pressing tab...

      i dont think there is a way to fix this properly...

    • jiquera

      jiquera - 2007-07-23

      Ey guys a little update

      = version 1.3    (23 Jul 2007) =
      -Added support for environment variables (eg. %windir%)
      -Commands can now be editted



    • dubness

      dubness - 2007-07-24


      Thank you for your work on the Runny plugin. It works great, and I have gotten a couple of my co-workers hooked.

      I have one feature request: Could you make it case sensitive? Or is that a Launchy issue in general?


      • jiquera

        jiquera - 2007-07-25

        i could make it case-sensitive, but the windows file system isn't so that would inconvenient... what do you need the case sensitivity for?

        for now if im not mistaken the commans are passed to the file system as they are... so it should work too


        • dubness

          dubness - 2007-07-31

          You are right, the commands are passed to the system as they are. However, once a parameter is typed and the tab or enter key is pressed, Launchy (or Runny) sets all characters to lowercase.

          I would like so send quick one-liner emails, create Google Calendar events, and create Remember the Milk todos using case-sensitive parameters. That way I don't seem like I am 5 years old when my boss sees an e-mail from me.

          I can deal without this functionality (still love Runny), but it would be really cool to use it for these other things as well. Perhaps it could be an additional option to turn on case-sensitivity?

          Thanks, dubness

          • jiquera

            jiquera - 2007-08-01

            ey dubness, i finally understand your problem, and its a problem of launchy :s, so unless i start to alter the source of launchy which i dont want to (atm), there is little i can do for you :-/

    • Stripe

      Stripe - 2007-08-01


      I am new to using runny and hava problem I can't seem to remedy. I have a number of commands e.g."mt" which has the argument "mailto:$1?subject=$2" and invoke it with mt TAB first name last name TAB subject line

      The problem is that whenever I use a space in the arguments e.g. first name SPACE last name, launchy stops the command at the space. So if I do mt TAB TAB Hello, it works. However, if I do mt TAB First name SPACE last name (in order to use an email alias), Launchy will just open a new email with the first name only in the address box.

      is the runny command limited to only one word arguments or am I doing something wrong? I have seen people claim to use mailto:$1?subject=$2&body=$3 so it suggests I should be able to write a block of text. Can you help me out?!

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