
VB / Delphi / Java / Etc. Help Files

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there anyone out there willing to put together a simple help file showing how to call the 7 Zip dll directly to Compress / Decompress?  For those programmers who are not familiar with C, it would be nice to have documentation that would allow other langauges to make use of the 7 zip dll directly.

    The more people that use 7Zip, the more it will be accepted as a standard compression routine.  With the compression / speed ratio 7-zip has, I think with more exposure, it becomes a widely used format.

    Anyone ?!?!?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I believe it all comes down to the "SevenZip" function in the 7-zip32.dll.

      Can someone show the proper usage?  Even if it was as simple as showing how to compress a file and then decompress it... like:

      Here's how you call the SevenZip function to compress "Test.txt" into "Archive.7z"


      Here's how you call the SevenZip function to  decompress "Test.txt" from "Archive.7z"

      Anyone who can help will have my thanks and I'm sure the thanks of others!

    • Skyfaller

      Skyfaller - 2005-01-12


      For decompression, you can take a look at ArchiveAccess. It shows how to call 7-Zip for decompression. You can also use ArchiveAccess as a simple interface to 7-Zip, it already has Delphi interface definitions. It should be easy to add a Java interface.  However, I have not figured out how to do compression with 7-Zip myself, or I would have added that code by now. If you get something together, I would be interested as well.

      Best wishes


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Bjrn..  I'll take a look at it.  Being able to use the 7z compression method using direct dll calls is something I've been searching for..


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